interview #18 @SolomonGloria4

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1 What's one Wattpad goal?

Meetfriends who enjoy reading my work.

2 How would you spend a rainy day?

sleeping or reading

3 What's the best way to handle a bully?

report to an adult

4 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

Yeah,it in fact makes me want to write more.

5 What's your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas,who doesn't love Christmas? You get gifts and get to hang with friends

6 What inspired you to write?

Ithink it will be other writers and movies, but I started having these ideaslong ago.

7 What's your dream vacation?

traveling to Hawaii.

8 What's your favorite book?

Christyand The Sunday wife, yeah the both of them, and on Wattpad it should be Trailmarriage.

9 What is a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Hand of god by Jon Bellion.

10 What's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Never get discouraged, keep on writing that's doing what you enjoy.

11 What's your favorite snack?


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Broken- it's a novel with suspense, secrets and quality, it reveals the insights on love, life and marriage. It gives advice to the single and married.

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