interview #15 @CheyaraWrites58

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1 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer? 

 I'd say to stay true to yourself and your vision. Don't get too caught up in what other people expect from your story, or encourage you to add. Keeping it to what you want to create will allow your passion to shine through. Remember that reader numbers do not matter. They aren't what determines whether your story is good or not. Don't allow it to discourage or consume you.

2 what inspired you to write? 

I've always loved writing, whether it was stories, poems or even song lyrics. Growing up I would retreat into books and movies. It was always an escape for me, where you can leave your head and your world and climb into another one. The way that books can make you feel has always been comforting and magical to me, and I wanted to be able to create those worlds for others.

3 who is your favorite author?

My favourite author is JK Rowling, ever since I read Harry Potter the first time, I adored those books and the way she invented such a vivid and unique, incredible place, not just for kids, but for adults as well. Her books are so detailed and so special. They are filled with great life lessons and morals within the words, and no matter how many times I re read them, they never get old, each time you unlock more meaning and find more beauty in the story.

 4 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

This is actually harder than it sounds. Can't choose! So I will go with who I'm listening to right now, Enrique Iglesias. I've always loved his music and the ability to feel the lyrics and the vibes in the songs in both languages. I would probably just want to have fun for the day, sing and dance like there's no tomorrow, and of course grab some cocktails at a beautiful beach.

 5 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Halloween, it's fun and I adore the world of magic. It's always had a special place in my heart, even as a young child when I was called a witch for being the only one with black hair.

 6 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

My favourite thing about Wattpad is the huge amount of different creations on here. Different genres, backgrounds, characters and authors etc. People can let their creativity flow without having a bunch of limitations.

 7 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

So many it's ridiculous, I love music and I tend to have a new favourite song every other day. I have the same 4 playing repeatedly this past week, but the most played today is the song Take My Hand by Skerryvore. It's a beautiful song and it has such an upbeat positive chorus that I can't help but want to dance to, and yes I have given in to temptation a fair few times.

 8 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I don't have much of a schedule at the moment. Sadly it's not my profession (yet! fingers crossed) I try to write at least every day or every other day, even if I don't hit publish, I want to do some writing.

 9 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment? 

YES! I literally feel all fuzzy and happy. It genuinely means so much to me, that every time I see any love from readers in those forms, or any other form, I am honoured and flattered. I love that people are enjoying my stories. 

10 how would you spend a rainy day

Where I live it rains a lot, so as long as there's nothing too hectic going on, I love to cosy by my fireplace with my laptop and write or watch tv/movies. Usually being jumped on by my dogs at this time.

11 What is the best way to deal with a bully?

The best way to handle a bully is to not allow them to have power over you. Stand your ground in your mind. You are precious and you are worthy of more than that treatment. Don't let their words or actions define you. Find your inner worth and rise above it. It can be hard at the time, but it's the best course of action. You don't give them any hold over you that way as you hold the power. If ever anything is too much though and it's a struggle for you, as it is for some people, then the best way to handle is to report it. Never suffer in silence.

request time

my  main story out at the moment is Siren. It should be considered because it's got a good balance of emotions and seriousness with splashes of humor in there too. It's not overly girly for a romance, and it's characters are developed and human, as in they have their strengths and their weaknesses and their faults. They aren't perfect. The dilemma in this story isn't a typical one and isn't an easy fix. There's passion, lust and love, as well as a friendship, heartbreak and sadness. I've had some lovely feedback on the story, and would hope people would give it a chance and enjoy it.

 I've had some lovely feedback on the story, and would hope people would give it a chance and enjoy it

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