interview #22 @DumDumPops4

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1 what's your favorite holiday and why?

I quite enjoy Thanksgiving here in America. It's in November and everyone gets together for some good food, some laughs, and it's generally a great time. Did I mention the food? 

2 what is one Wattpad goal?

My Wattpad goals are always changing. Usually, my top goal is to finish the manuscript I'm currently working on. Beyond that, my main goal has always been to inspire others to read and write. I know people often set a read count or follower count goal, but knowing my personality, if I set a goal like that, that'd be all I'd focus on and the work would suffer. Which is definitely not what I want.

3 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

This is a hard question! I'm a huge music fan, so asking me to pick a favorite song is like asking a book lover to choose their favorite book. Right now I'm on a K-pop kick, so probably Shine by Pentagon. Or anything Paramore. Oh, or James Bay. See? I can't make up my mind! 

4 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

Most definitely! I'm constantly surprised and humbled each time I get a notification. I suffer from imposter syndrome, so most times I think this is all some type of weird trick people are playing. Then I'm absolutely overjoyed when I realize that people ARE actually enjoying a piece. It's fantastic and amazing and I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am.

5 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS. Especially if you are a writer here on Wattpad. I think most of us look too closely at numbers and how they compare to other writers. Not only is this not healthy, but it's important to remember everyone is on their own timeline. Someone who has many followers may be on the tail end of their journey. Likewise, others who are fresh to the site may not have a lot of traffic, however, they're just getting started. And as we all know, numbers do not represent talent! Don't let yourself get so caught up in them that it prevents you from growing as a writer.

6 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I'd definitely hang out with Jennifer Lawrence. The two of us could get some overly-priced coffee and shop around for clothes we don't need. 

7 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Well, there would be a ton of screaming. Then probably some champagne. Then a nice nap. Or two. Or ten.

8 what's the best way to handle a bully?

In my experience, not reacting. Most times bullies want to get a rise out of you, so by not interacting you're taking that reaction from them. And if you can add a bit of kindness in? Even better. If it's a bully that's violent and you're worried about your physical safety, definitely make sure to tell someone you trust. There are resources out there to help and people who are trained to step in. You don't want to put your health (mental or physical) on the line. And others cannot help you if they're unaware of the situation. 

9 how would you enjoy a rainy day?

With a good book, a cup of tea, and definitely some writing!

10 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

Unfortunately, because I work full-time, my schedule is all over the place. I try to do a tiny bit of writing each day. My daily word count goal is low at 200 words, but most times I find that I go way over that goal once I get going. The stories have a mind of their own!

11 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

Connecting with other users! I absolutely love this community and all the wonderful people here. It's unlike other sites in that authors get to directly connect with their readers and vise-versa. It builds a tight-knit community which is fantastic. 

Request time!

If you're a fan of fairytale retellings, magic, royalty, and music, you should definitely consider checking out my story Anonymous! It's a new twist on a classic tale which I think you'd enjoy :)

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