Seven|| Answers

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Tessa Castle, played by Riley Voekel

A/N: Tessa Castle, played by Riley Voekel

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Revised and edited


||Tristan’s P.O.V||

I held my mate in my arms, carrying her back to our room. Her eyes were closed, her face peaceful. She was always peaceful when she was asleep.
I laid her down gently and stared at her, sighing deeply.
One of my loyal subjects had died. A friend. A father figure, in some ways.
"Go." I turned around, my eyes wide.
"Tessa?" I asked. My sister strode forward, eyes sad.

"Yeah, I'm back. Go to him. He needs his friends." She said. How did she know? How did she get here?
Her blonde hair was cut short and she was now into the choker style. She looked every inch our Mother- and nothing like me.

"Go to Jax, Tristan. Rafe is with him now. Isabella is taking care of the girls." Tessa repeated, coming to sit in the armchair across the room. "I've been back a couple days now, Tristan. Go take care of your friend."
"How do you know them?" I asked. Tessa looked at Ariel, smiling sadly.
"She's an old friend. I was chasing down a lead and discovered she was here. I came as quickly as I could- Isabella, Ivy and I have been chasing down some information that is critical." My sister informed me, relaxing into the chair. "I'll take care of her, Tristan. She'll be fine." She assured me.
Overwhelmed by all of the information, I turned and left the room, searching for my friends.
Rafael, where are you? I linked my best friend.
Gym. Was his short reply. I found Jax sitting on the floor of the boxing ring, head in his hands, elbows resting on his bent knees.
His body was shaking, and I could see that he was slowly unraveling. Rafael sat beside him, his hand on Jax's shoulder.
"Jaxon..." I said with a sigh, stepping into the ring and sitting on his other side. I sat there and offered silent comfort with Rafael, grasping his shoulder firmly.

||Ariel’s P.O.V||

“Wait, so you’re Tristan’s sister?” I asked the blonde woman, confused. Tessa nodded.

“I am. I’m not much of a Royal, as you know, so I left. I haven’t set foot in these walls in almost five years,” her voice was distant, eyes glancing over as she looked around Tristan’s room, taking a trip down memory lane.

“You said you were chasing a lead?” I asked, crossing my legs and leaning my back against Tristan’s headboard.

“Yeah, but I’m not sure. I think I found record of a place where Doc kept the kids he rescued- the Gifted kids. According to his granddaughters he kept whatever research that hadn’t been stolen in a safe there.” Tessa said.

“Well, let’s go then.” I said abruptly, and she nodded.

“Where are we going?” I asked after I’d changed into jeans and a t-shirt. I had a gun tucked in the waistband of my jeans, and a knife in my boots.

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