Eight|| The Hunt

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Revised and edited


“You could have called,” Tristan called to me crossly, exiting the SUV in the circular driveway. Rafael and Ivy were at his side.

“We’re not doing this again,” I said firmly, and he glared at me.

“You called?” Taylor joined us from the other SUV, a guard and Sarah accompanying her. 

“You can join the other two guards in the living room, help yourselves to any food. Just don’t go wandering around, and don’t touch any tech.” I said sternly, and he nodded, walking inside.

Taylor looked around, her eyes wide. “What is this place?”

“This is the Haven,” I said, spreading my arms wide and turning around, looking up at the massive area. “It’s our pack house. Doctor Brown had it built for us. Tours will be later, follow me.”

“What’s going on?” Sarah asked me as we started up the stairs.

“We were looking for any research Doc had left on the Gifted.” I explained. “Apparently he had an algorithm that contained satellite codes that could detect when the Gifted used their powers. We got here, only to find it was stolen.”

“Stolen? By who?” Rafael asked.

“That’s the crazy thing.” I stopped, looking at the three girls. “Oliver stole it.”

“Oliver?!” Taylor exclaimed. I nodded and continued up the stairs.

“Yeah, and that’s not the only thing. He knew the combination, and his retinal scan was approved. But he didn’t break in the door.” I glanced over my shoulder and met eyes with my mate. “He walked through the wall.”

“Walked through the wall,” Tristan repeated skeptically.

“We’ve seen stranger things,” Ivy pointed out with a shrug.

“We think it was a portal,” I said.

“What makes you think that?” Rafael asked.

“We’ll show you.”


“I got it!” Isabella yelled from her computer, clapping her hands once. I hurried over to her side, setting down my tablet containing the Haven’s schematics and she swiped her screen, projecting it onto the wall screen.

“Doc has some serious security, so I haven’t been able to access much, but I cracked Oliver’s file and found out that Doc had been keeping tabs on him. Check it out.”

“Did I hear you say you had something?” Rafael poked his head in the door. I nodded.

“Guys!” Rafael hollered down the hall. I looked through the multiple newspaper headings and traffic camera images of Oliver. He was growing out his brown hair, it was just below his ear. He had a scar on the side of his face, it curved around his eye. It looked like a claw mark.

“What do you got, Isa?” Taylor came in with the others at her heels.

“Zoom in on that last one,” I said, pointing to the last news clip. Isabella zoomed in on the photo, and I could make out a dark chocolate colored wolf standing in the middle of the street. He looked beaten up. The other wolf was running in the opposite direction, a lighter shade of brown.

“That’s gotta be Oliver. The other one is definitely Dante,” I said confidently.

“How can you be sure?” Rafael asked, and I sent him a dark look.

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