Ten|| Morning After

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Revised and edited


The smell of sizzling bacon and sausage simmered throughout the house, tantalizing and mouthwatering to those with heightened senses.

“Is that bacon I smell?” James entered the kitchen, a brunette behind him. She must be Willow, his mate.

“Yes,” I replied, stirring the eggs on the stove.

The girl rounded the island and watched as I stirred the eggs. “Can I help?” she asked, her voice soft and shy. I smiled warmly at her and offered her the spatula. She took it from me and began stirring the eggs. I left the island and walked over to the counter by the sink, starting the coffee machine and taking out the next two pieces of toast, adding two more into the toaster.

“Alpha King Tristan; the housewife,” James mocked, sitting at the bar off to the right side.

I grabbed a knife from the knife block and turned around, throwing it at him. He caught it with ease, smirking. He enjoyed riling us up.

“James,” the girl said from the stove without looking up. James straightened, a hopeless smile crossing his face. Is that what I look like?

“Yes?” Damn, she had him whipped.

“Behave.” he sighed, looking disgruntled.

I laughed, and he glared at me. “If Jemma were here to see this,” I chuckled.

A young boy and girl ran in excitedly. Jack and Daisy, I remembered. They stopped in their tracks, staring up at me.

“Boo,” I said goofily, and they shrieked, running off, laughing. I chuckled, shaking my head. Kids.

“The Blood Alpha has gone soft,” James noted, watching our interaction with interest.

“I have not,” I retorted indignantly.

“Oh yeah? Prove it,” James snorted. “Back me up, Willow.” he added to his mate, who just rolled her eyes up to the heavens.

“Hand me Dante and his hunters and I’ll show you,” I growled out.

“James, they’re kids.” Willow said. “A good man knows when is the right time to be gentle and when is not.”

“You’re not helping,” James grumbled, and she shrugged.

“But I’m right,” she said confidently, and I grinned.

“I like her,” I commented.

“Hey, back off! She’s taken!” James warned playfully, his eyes shining bright blue.

“Yeah, and so are you,” arms wrapped around my stomach from behind, and I felt that familiar shock of my mate, her tantalizing scent drifting through my nose. I turned my head to see Ariel smiling up at me.

“Good morning, luv,” I said, turning around and kissing the top of her head.

“Morning,” she replied, and then she sent James a playful glare. “It’s too early for your whining. Do us all a favor and shut up.”

“Amen to that,” Willow said, grining.

“Hey!” James cried in outrage.

“James, shut up.” Hudson entered the kitchen hand in hand with the other girl- Jess.

“Morning Jess,” my mate greeted Hudson’s, hugging her. Her wall lowered, and I was hit by an overwhelming wave of happiness. She was satisfied. She had hope.

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