Eleven|| Heat

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The Blood Moon Theme Song: Stand Up by Cynthia Erivo from the movie Harriet (I thought it fit perfectly)


I woke up shivering and uncomfortable, with a prickling feeling under my skin that I couldn't shake.

I rolled over in bed and found Tristan sitting in the armchair, swirling a glass of wine around in his hand.

"Tristan?" My voice was raspy and my skin was damp with sweat. He was dressed in dress pants and a white button up, but two of the buttons were undone and his tie was untied, hanging around his neck as he stared into space with dark eyes.

"It's time." Tristan murmured. We were in a mansion in human territory, Tristan's private home. He said the human stench would cover up the smell of my heat, and his security protocols would stop any male from getting in.

"My heat." I breathed, my heart stilling.

"I'll draw you a cold bath. Might help with the discomfort." Tristan stood and left the huge room, walking into the massive bathroom, up to the bathtub. The bathtub was big enough for two people to bathe across from each other comfortably.

I heard the faucet squeak and the water running, and sat up, looking down at myself. The sweats and t-shirt I'd put on last night were suffocating me. While Tristan started the bath I changed into a silk nightgown and turned on the A.C, sighing with relief when it kicked on and I cooled down slightly.

I was still uncomfortable and I couldn't stand it. I linked Ivy through our friendship bond. Hey. You okay?

I'll live. I think. Good luck. She replied.

You too. I closed the link and walked into the bathroom, finding Tristan sitting in a wooden chair, staring at the slowly filling tub with a disgruntled frown on his face.

His breathing was slow, and he gulped in deep breaths, his eyes slowly shifting from gold back to hazel.

I walked up to him and rubbed his shoulders, some of the discomfort fading at our touch.

He stilled completely, frozen solid like a statue. I ran my fingers through his hair and he let out an almost inaudible groan, tilting his head back, leaning against me.

"You said you had a plan?" I asked him softly, and he let out a huge breath.

"Yes. I do." He turned around and stood up, now towering over me. His eyes flashed gold brightly and he strained to fight his wolf back. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I just knew that I needed him. His touch, his kiss, everything. Anything.

I reached up and kissed him, my lips touching his, generating a shock through the both of us. His arms encircled my body and tugged me to him, his mouth capturing mine and claiming it for himself.

He slowly became more desperate for me, his fingers digging into my waist, pulling me as close as humanely possible. I reached up and entangled my fingers in his copper strands, tugging slightly, eliciting a moan from him.

Using his vampire speed I felt a slight whoosh before I was up against the wall, pinned roughly, my arms above my head.

Tristan claimed me for himself, dominating my body and my mind in ways I didn't know were possible.

After a long moment of sizzling, burning passion, he tore himself from me roughly, gasping, running a hand through his hair.

"If we keep going, I won't stop." Tristan said breathlessly, and I leaned heavily against the wall, the discomfort returning worse than before.

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