Twenty-Five|| Oh Mother

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Nadina Porter played by Erica Cerra


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Phoebe grumbled under her breath as she picked herself up from the ground, dusting herself off.

"You need to focus." Jess said from her spot next to me, crossing her arms over her chest.

Sasha stood across from Phoebe after a rather elegant take down on her part- and a not so graceful fall from my sister.

"Pick it up." Jess ordered, and Phoebe let out a huff, picking the stake off the ground and turning around to face Sasha.

"You're thinking about it to much, Phoebe." Jess told her. "You need to relax, be fluid, follow through."

"First you say I'm not focusing, now you're telling me not to think?" Phoebe turned on Jess, clearly frustrated. She put her hands on her hips, breathing heavily.

Jess walked up to her and turned her around roughly, grabbing her arms and moving her.

"You need to focus on your opponent's movements. You need to think less about your own and you won't be so stiff. Think about your training, not about running." Jess told her, and once she was done repositioning my sister she backed away and nodded to Sasha, who went back into her attack stance.

"Again," Jess commanded.

I walked away and up to Sarge, Ryker and Chris, who were trying to teach the others close hand combat.

"Hey!" Kayla jumped away from Lance, who was fooling around as usual and trying to poke Kayla's sensitive stomach.

Sarge walked up to Lance and stared him down dangerously, causing Lance to look away. Chris walked behind Sarge, shaking his head at him as the all continued on.

Ryker appeared behind Lance and smacked the back of his head, causing Lance to flinch.

I shook my head at him. Idiot.

I heard the distant sounds of a car rolling up, and quick agitated footsteps followed. I recognized Summer's scent and went into the house quickly, hearing the sounds of whimpers.

Summer came through the front door, her eyes red and brimming with tears.

"I hate him, Ariel." She said. "I hate Kaden."


"And then he was just so mean and he completely disrespected me and it was humiliating and-"

"Summer," I cut off her rambling and placed my hand on hers. "Slow down, and start from the beginning."

She inhaled deeply and sniffled. "Kaden and I got into an arguement. He's just so cold sometimes, and he's keeping secrets from me." She told me. "He makes me feel like an outsider. Like I don't belong in the Ice Pack." She looked down at her hands, pain written across her face.

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