Twenty-Six|| Lost

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||Ariel's P.O.V||

I stood among the dead bodies of the rogues and hunters who had done absolutely nothing to piss me off, yet suffered from my rage.

Looking around at the torn flesh and the blood soaked ground, I realized just how much of a monster I am.

"I know that look." Kate noted, approached me. She stepped over a corpse and placed her hand on my arm. "This is the mantle that we must carry."

"Tristan is coming." Carter called from the other end of the field, where they were piling bodies.

"Lets finish this." Helen grabbed a body with a grunt and flung it onto the pile.

I joined them and helped them clean up.

It took us about twenty minutes to poke all of the bodies together, and Luke poured gasoline over the bodies while Nina and Uriah placed the wood around them.

Cars rolled up behind us, and all of the Alphas stepped out, looking around with horror and shock at the blood and bodies.

"Why didn't you call for backup?" Tristan asked.

Evan passed them all up and walked up to me, stopping just inches away. He placed his hand on my neck, staring into my eyes, his blue ones asking me the silent questions stirring in his brain.

I nodded, and turned, taking the torch Clarke handed me. "This was my responsibility." I said.

"We had it handled." Carter said to Tristan.

"Ariel?" Tristan asked, and I stopped in front of the bodies, turning to look back at him. "Why does it always have to be you?" He asked, his eyes filled with sadness, his tone one of defeat.

I wordlessly placed the torch against the bodies in two places before tossing it on them, watching the corpses go up in flames.

I turned to face my mate again, feeling cold, empty, and emotionless. "This is the price of being the savior. I bear it so they don't have to."

I walked past them, getting into one of the Hamilton's cars.

I didn't need any distractions right now. I had to shut down, or else I'd fall apart and I wouldn't get back up again.


"Thank you for meeting with me," Sarah said, coming into her office and closing the door behind her.

She turned to me with a sad, pitying look in her eyes. "How are you?" She asked.

"I'm alright," I shrugged.

"You did it again, didn't you? It's not good for you, Ariel, you know that-"

"Sarah, you're a doctor, not my therapist." I cut her off quickly. "And we're here about Chris, not about me."

"Yes, because it's never about you." Sarah said, sitting down at her desk and sifting through her files.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest. Sarah looked up at me with a sigh.

"It means you deflect any time someone asks you something personal. You spend so much time taking care of everyone else, you never take care of yourself. You're on the fast track to self destruction and an early death, if I may be blunt." Sarah said, and I was shocked she'd put it that way. "And guilt tripping the Alphas when we've already told them how we feel isn't helping anyone."

"They should know, so they stop doing it, and so their successors don't do it." I argued.

"They're already aware, Ariel." Sarah stated with exasperation.

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