Twenty|| Problem

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"Ariel!" Willow came running down the steps and threw her arms around my neck, hugging me tight.

"Hey Wills," I hugged her back, laughing. "How are you?" I asked.

"I'm doing fine," she said.

"Are you healing nicely?" I asked worriedly, looking her up and down.

"Callie and Jakob saved my life." Willow told me, leading me up the steps into James' private house.

We entered the foyer and I took off my jacket, hanging it on the hook and following her into the sitting room.

"It was weird- they were beyond prepared for my powers." Willow shook her head, sighing.

"The Good Doctor kept files on us all- we should be better prepared for situations like this." I said, rubbing my temple with my forehead.

"But enough about me!" Willow chirped, and we sat down on one of the sofas. "How are you and Tristan? Are you guys looking at reconciliation?"

"We are, I think." I said, nodding slowly. "It's going slowly. Am I being unreasonable?" I asked her, my eyes wide and pleading.

Willow shrugged. "Honestly? No." She shook her head. "James told me himself- he and Jemma's Father was an asshole who stole from the rogues, on his own greed and a waiver from the former King's will. James and Jemma haven't spoken of their Father since they told me that. I don't think they get along."

"Rebecca said her Father was one of the only Alphas who didn't care to steal from rogues." I said.

"Rebecca's Father was the War Alpha," James entered the room, hanging his suit jacket on the back of a chair and walking up to Jemma, giving her a quick kiss.

He sat down across from us, setting a cup of coffee on the coffee table between us.

"Rebecca's Father was bound by the code of honor- despite what people think of the War Pack, they are the most honorable of us all. Rebecca's Dad served his King- and his King was Tristan." James took a sip of his coffee.

The door opened and Callie entered, Alex behind her.

"James!" She hollered, looking up the stairs.

"I'm in here Cal!" James called, and she turned at the sound of his voice.

"James!" She huffed, walking over to him. "I just overheard another dirty blood rumor- they're not stopping! They're getting worse!"

"Is it those wolves from when I first got here?" Willow asked, and I noticed another wolf enter, his orange blonde hair styled up in a quiff.

He nodded. "It's them, yes."

James growled under his breath. "I'll make an announcement tonight," he decided. He turned to Willow, his blue eyes apologetic. "I'm so sorry, Wills."

"They have their right to talk, James." Willow said softly. "You can't expect them to welcome me just because you said so."

"That is exactly what they should have done." James snapped, and then placed his hand on hers. "I'll fix this."

Willow opened her mouth to speak but James was already on his feet and walking away.

Alex's eyes met mine, and I felt my heart still as I watched his aura. It was even darker than before.

"James wait!" I called, and he paused.

"I wanted to talk to you about something... personal. Before I leave. I can't stay long." I lied, and he glanced between Callie and me, hesitating.

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