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A/n: Revised and edited


Infuriated didn't even begin to explain how I was feeling. Even Rafael was wary of me, the car ride back to the castle filled with tension that you could only cut with the sharpest knife.

I stormed into my office, throwing open the double doors. I was annoyed with the idiocy of my men and worried for the girl.

"Notify me as soon as the Alphas get here," I snapped to one of the maids.

"But Alpha-"

"Just do it!" I snapped.

"We already are here, Tristan." I whirled around from behind my desk and sent a small, apologetic look to the maid before waving her away. She closed the door behind her, and I heard her scurrying away as fast as she could.

I'd probably terrified the poor girl, but I didn't really care.

"What's got your boxers in a twist?" Rebecca stood leaned against the wall with an amused smirk on her face. "Why'd you call us?" 

"Yes, I was in the middle of something of somewhat importance," Kaden drawled from the armchair in the far corner.

"And what would that be? Shagging your assistant?" Hudson retorted, rolling his piercing blue eyes.

"That's something I would do," James disagreed.

"Can you all shut up?" Jemma asked, crossing her arms over her petite figure.

"Aw sis, let 'em at it, it's amusing." James said with a grin.

"As if you weren't part of it too," Hudson snapped.

"Can you get along for one second, please?" Jemma asked with exasperation.

"All of you shut up before I make you," Evan threatened, leaned against the wall, his head bowed, eyes on the floor. He looked up, his dark blue eyes meeting mine. "Why'd you call us here, Tristan?" his eyes were curious and somewhat challenging. Evan was like a brother to me, I trusted him with my life. Sometimes he got too confident.

"I need your help finding someone. She's extremely important, and holds crucial information to a potential disaster coming for all wolves- maybe even the vampires and witches too." I stated, and Rafael pulled her photo up on the plasma behind my desk.

"Who is she?" Rebecca asked, interested.

"She's cute," James commented, and my wolf growled, the sound resonating deep in my chest.

"The girl who saved the two soldiers and caused all of that fuss outside the gates. The one chased by the hunters and those two werewolves. One of the wolves was killed, the other one got away." Hudson stated. Alpha of intelligence, I wasn't the least bit surprised he was updated.

"Her name is Ariel Porter. She's my mate."

||Ariel's P.O.V||

I knocked on the cabin door, knocking twice, then once, then three times. The door was opened just a few inches, and I went to go in, but the door closed more, and I groaned.

"Password," a deep voice demanded.

"Come on Sarge, it's me, Ariel. Open up, I'm in trouble." I complained. The door opened, and the six foot three hawaiian man grabbed me with strong arms, yanking me inside quickly and closing the door.

I hissed in pain. My vampire side protected me from getting injured by the jump, but it didn't help my current wound.

"What is it, kid?" Sarge demanded, putting me against the hallway wall, looking me over with narrowed, suspicious eyes.

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