Twelve|| New Girl

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Summer Falls played by Sofia Carson


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I got out of the car, looking up at Haven. Tristan got out of the car on the driver’s side and locked it, staring at me.

I walked inside, and was greeted by the faint sound of chatter coming from upstairs in the common room.

I found Sarah and Isabella sitting in the common room, discussing the search for the girl who’d approached Oliver with Haven’s location.

Phoebe was sitting on the couch on the far end of the living room with her earbuds plugged into her new phone- courtesy of Tristan’s never ending bank account.

“- But what if you cross check that with the security footage of local colleges in the Crescent Pack?” Sarah asked.

“That’s a good idea. They did meet in that area, and she fits that age limit and profile,” Isabella got up and left the common room, blowing me a kiss on her way out and elbowing Tristan in the stomach.

Tristan slapped her back in response and I rolled my eyes. Their love-hate relationship was annoying sometimes.

I walked over to Phoebe, who looked up at me when she felt my presence.  She took her earbuds out of her ear and moved her feet so I could sit down next to her.

“Hey. How are you?” I asked her. She shrugged.

“I’m fine. Just bored, and trying to get a hold of my powers.” she said, and I nodded.

“Can we go outside for a minute?” she nodded, getting up and following me onto the large balcony porch outside the common room.

We sat down on one of the porch swings, and she looked down at her hands, wringing them together nervously.

“Want to tell me about that outburst last week?” I asked her gently, and she sighed heavily.

“I already apologized to Taylor. She came and talked to me afterwards, she was surprisingly nice about it, considering what I said.” Phoebe sighed. “I guess I’ve just been off since we showed up here. I got slammed with a level up in my power, and I don’t know how to control it.” she spread her hands and stared down at them warily. “My emotions are all over the place, and I don’t feel that great. I feel like something’s wrong, but I can’t tell what. It’s this feeling that’s itching the back of my brain and I can’t stop thinking about it.” 

I reached over to grab her hands in mine, and she looked up to meet my eyes. “Listen to me, okay? We’ll get through this. We’ll end this war, and we’ll be free and have peace,” I told her firmly. “I can call James and maybe he can come over and help you control your power. He’s a half witch, surely he knows something, and maybe a witch who can help you better.”

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