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I sat in the chair outside, running my hand along my belly.

Our baby boy was due in a month. I was ready for him to be out of my belly. Waddling around was embarassing, and it hurt my back.

Phoebe still hadn't been found, and I was losing hope that we'd find her alive.

I tried to keep my emotions happy for the well-being of my boy, but it was hard.

After going years thinking she was dead, I finally found her again, only to lose her to a traitor I should have stopped long ago.

This was as much my fault as it was his.

"Hi Ariel!" Jack and Daisy came running out onto the balcony, and they sat on either side of me, staring at my belly.

"When will the baby be here?" Daisy asked.

"In about a month," I told them.

"Can I hold it when it's here?" She asked.

"I can teach you, yeah."

"Will your belly go back to normal?" Jack asked curiously, and I laughed.

"Yeah, after a little bit it will." I said, chuckling.

I felt him kick, and sucked in a breath.

"Is he kicking?" Jack asked with wide eyes.

"He is. You wanna feel it?" Daisy nodded enthusiastically, but Jack was nervous.

I showed Daisy first, placing her hand on my belly.

He kicked again, and Daisy gasped. "Wow!"

"I wanna see!" Jack said. I placed his hand where Daisy's had been and the baby kicked again, this time harder.


The baby kept kicking and kicking, and suddenly I felt pain in my stomach that wasn't a kicking.


"What's happening?" Daisy asked.

"Everything's okay, just go get Sasha for me, okay?" I said, and they nodded, running inside.

I felt something wet pool between my legs and I gasped.

My water broke.

"What's wrong?" Sasha came running out.

"He's early," I said, breathing heavily.

"He what?!"

"My water just broke."

"It what?!"

"Sasha!" I cried, snapping her into focus. "I won't make it to the hospital before this baby is out, I need your help."

"I can use my powers to slow the birth until we get to the Shadow Pack, just not for very long to be safe." Sasha said.

"The car's ready!" Lance yelled from outside. "Let's go!"

||Tristan's P.O.V||

I sat in a meeting with some lawyers going over some information about the new building plans.

My phone started ringing and I answered it, just as I began to feel something weird on Ariel's side of the link.

It was Isabella, and I answered it quickly. "What's happening?" I demanded.

I could hear Ariel breathing heavily from the other line, and she suddenly cried out.

"Ariel's water broke. I called ahead already, we're on our way to the Shadow Pack."

The Blood Moon [1]Where stories live. Discover now