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Go to my profile and check out Book Two of the Moon Series: The Star Moon!!!!!!

This book is happening at the same time as the Blood Moon. If you are hoping for the war, you'll have to wait until Book Three, The War Moon.

But there will be hints and foreshadowing in this book of the rest of the series, so please do read it.

But there will be hints and foreshadowing in this book of the rest of the series, so please do read it

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Taylor King is a mystery. A hurt and broken girl with a gift that terrifies everyone around her; including herself.

Evan is the terrifying Alpha of the Star Pack. He's cold, brutal and intelligent. He doesn't know how to comfort a crying girl.

Taylor and Evan must learn to love each other and better the darker parts of themselves.

With drama, life threats, and a war looming over their heads, Evan and Taylor must find love and be happy, giving a beam of light in the dark.

A beam of hope.

The Blood Moon [1]Where stories live. Discover now