Twenty-One|| Truth

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I walked along the beach searching for my mate.

Hawaiian wolves had divers in the water searching for her, although many of them didn't expect to find her alive.

My bond was all I had as proof of life. I could feel her. She was so faint, but she was there.

Kayla was with Lance, who was drowning in guilt. He'd fallen first, and reached out to catch her but she was too far out.

Everyone else was searching the beaches and the waters.

We were all holding out hope while grieving because there wasn't much hope to hold on to.

"Please," I begged out into open air. "Please don't take her from me."

I looked around, tears burning my eyes. I was on the brink of falling apart.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned. Jax stood behind me, hos eyes filled with sympathy.

"She's alive, Tristan." He assured me.

"Over here!" I heard someone shout.

Zoe stood ten yards away waving frantically and shouting for us.

I ran towards her, seeing a body laying at her feet.

I fell to my knees as Zoe helped me turn the body over.

My mate laid there on the ground, her wet hair plastered to her pale face.

Jax started CPR, after checking her neck and finding a faint pulse.

"Come on, A." Jax said. "Come on!"

I sat back, my mind going numb, my body frozen, staring at my mate as she remained unresponsive.

Fight, luv. Fight for me. For us. For your people. It's not our time yet. I linked her.

She surged up, water spewing out of her mouth as she gagged, coughing and spluttering.

Jax and I caught her when she fell back, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

I'm here, She linked me, our connection fading and broken up.


"She'll be okay." Sarah told me, signing off on another clip board. She handed that clipboard to Emily, who hustled out of the room.

"She will be?" I asked as Jenny checked Ariel's vitals.

"Yes. She doesn't even require a Burn, she just needs a lot of rest." Sarah smiled down on her friend, her eyes filled with warmth and love.

"Thank you, Sarah. And you too, Jenny." I added. The girl paused, glancing between Sarah and I as if to make sure I was actually talking to her.

She then blushed and lowered her eyes to the ground. "Of course, King Tristan." She said.

"We'll let her rest," Sarah said, leaving with Jenny on her heels.

I held Ariel's hand, staring at her. She laid in the hospital bed, her brown hair a halo around her, eyes closed, her face peaceful for once.

"We're going to be alright, luv." I whispered, kissing her hand and laying my forehead on it. "We're going to be alright.

"Tristan?" I turned to see Lance standing at the door hesitantly, a bouquet of daisies in his hand. "Is it alright if I come in?"

"Of course, Lance." I replied. He still blamed himself for Ariel's accident.

He walked in, laying the flowers on her bedside table next to the cards, stuffed animals, balloons and other flowers others had brought.

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