Twenty-Nine|| Betrayed

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"Hey, watch out!" Lance shoved Kayla out of his way, absolutely dominating Just Dance.

"Hey, you jerk, I'm playing too!" Kayla shoved him back.

"Can you two not?" I asked, sitting with Isabella.

"Becoming a pack has not made them any less immature," Isabella laughed.

"How are the plans coming along?" I asked. "The fences are looking good."

"Guards from other packs are helping us make patrols until they're complete." Isabella nodded. "They're almost done."

"Tessa's here!" Camila called up the stairs. "Oh my Goddess," I heard her add in shock.

Tessa came running in, and everyone stopped at the wild look in her eyes.

"Ariel!" She hissed.

"What?" I asked.

"He's- him- I-" she was lost for words.

"Spit it out, sunshine." Jake teased.

"One of the gusrds," Tessa wheezed, and my eyes widened.

"No," I gasped, and she nodded. I stood up and wobbled over to her, grinning. "This is great news!' I squealed. I pushed her towards the stairs. "Go! Go get him! West, cover the guard's shift." I ordered.

West shrugged and got up, putting on shoes and going downstairs.

"Did you find your mate?" Kayla asked with a wide grin.

"Oh, crap, no way!" Jake shot to his feet and the two raced downstairs.

"Come on," I tugged her with me.

"Oh, he's hot!" I heard Kayla exclaim.

Tessa walked downstairs with me and I sent her out the front door at a good looking male who was pacing outside worriedly.

"Playing Cupid, aren't we?" Isabella teased.

"Hell yeah," I replied. Jake shushed me while placing his hand over my belly.

"Good language around the kid!"


"No, I don't care who he is," Tristan said from inside the shower. "He better watch himself around my sister or I'll rip him to shreds."

"If you so much as look at him wrong you'll be sleeping on the couch," I threatened.

"You wouldn't." Tristan narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm pregnant." I retorted. "I dare you to piss me off. I dare you."

"Fine." Tristan grumbled. "Fine! You win!"


"Oh!" Kylee jumped in surprise, smiling widely. "He kicked!"

"He's a kicker," I nodded, laughing.

"It's so cool!" Kylee said, placing her hand on my belly again.

"I heard Tessa found her mate," Zoe said, and I nodded.

"Yep, she did." I did a double take. "Wait, where'd you hear that from?! It's supposed to be kept on the DL for now."

Zoe tapped her head with a laugh and then shook her head. "I overheard my dad and Tristan agreeing over a burial site." She explained, and I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Those two," Ivy shook her head, placing some tea down in front of me.

"They're idiots," I said, shaking my head.

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