Twenty-Eight|| A Little Surprise

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"It's surreal, seeing Mum's ring on your finger," Tessa said, shaking her head.

"It's surreal being here at all," I remarked, and she laughed.

"Yeah, that too. You and I should have died a long time ago." She said, nodding.

"But here we are, enjoying a pricey meal, some old wine, still our badass selves," I said, raising my glass.

"I'll toast to that," she touched her glass against mine with a smile.

"So when are you going to settle down, try and find your mate?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Out of all the places I went, I never found him. Why would he be here, the place I spent my young life?" She asked.

"You wouldn t have even known it was him until you were eighteen, and you ran away when you were seventeen," I pointed out.

"Point taken," she concluded, shrugging again. "I'll find him eventually."

"You're not getting any younger," I said with a grin, and she looked mock offended.

"Shut up!"

I laughed and then suddenly stopped laughing as I felt my stomach begin to lurch.

"Ariel?" Tessa's smile died when she noticed my change in mood.

I shot to my feet and ran through the resteraunt- thankfully we were secluded in the very back- and threw myself into the bathroom, shoving my head by the toilet as I vommitted up everything I'd eaten.

"Holy sh- was it the food?" Tessa came in and backed away,  covering her nose.

I looked up at her and shook my head. She held back my hair and stated at me with concern.

"I don't think it was the food," I said breathlessly.

Tessa's eyes widened and she took my hands in hers. "Come on," she said.


"Did you get it?" I asked, after pacing in our kitchen for almost twenty minutes.

Tessa closed the door behind her with her foot and opened the plastic bag, pulling out the little box.

"It's right here."


Tessa and I stared at the little device, stunned into silence.

"Well that's... I don't know what to say." Tessa, for once in her life, was rendered speechless.

"Am I reading this right? Are you sure?" I asked, looking at her.

She gestured to the other three devices sitting on the counter.

"Four to zero, I'm pretty sure."

I heard the words 'positive' repeat over and over in my head as I looked at all of the pregnancy tests.

"I'm pregnant," I breathed.

"You're pregnant," Tessa repeated. I began to hyperventilate, and tears burned my eyes.

"I'm pregnant. Oh my Goddess In pregnant. I can't have a baby right now!" I cried, tears streaming down my face. "I'm about to fight in a war! I can't be pregnant! Oh no, what will Tristan say?!" I panicked, and Tessa pulled me into her embrace as I broke down.

"I'll call Phoebe." She said.

Phoebe was there in nearly less than an hour, pulling on a shirt as she burst through my door.

"I ran as fast as I could. Are you sure?" Phoebe asked me, and I nodded, pointing at the four pregnancy tests. "Oh Goddess, you're pregnant," she said faintly.

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