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Revised and edited *MAJOR EDIT*


“Wake up, luv.” I felt Tristan murmur against my ear, and shivered from the feeling. I groaned and rolled over, facing him. He laughed at the pout on my face. “Good morning,” he said, smiling brightly at me.

“Tristan…” I rasped out, rubbing my eyes. “What time is it?”

“It’s early. I figured I’d take you on a walk.” he said, pulling me out of bed to my feet.

“Why?” I whined, and he stopped, turning to me.

“Because I want to spend some time with you, gattitino.” he said softly.

I smiled encouragingly up at him. “Then hurry up and lead the way, I’m not getting any younger.” I teased. He smiled with relief and pulled me with him into the huge walk-in closet.

He pulled out a pair of leggings and a girl’s muscle tee, tossing them at me. I caught them and turned away to put them on. I watched through the mirror in the corner as he took off his grey t-shirt, his back muscles rolling as he did.

Oh boy.

His eyes met mine in the reflection and he smirked. “Like what you see?” he asked. In response to that I shimmied out of the workout shorts I’d slept in and stood in just his t-shirt and my underwear. His eyes darkened considerably, and my mouth went dry.

“Don’t play with fire, luv.” Tristan purred. “You wouldn’t want to get burned, now would you?”

“Maybe I do,” I shot back, and his eyes darkened more. He turned around and his hands trailed up my body and rested on my shoulders.

“Then I will have to burn you,” he whispered. I turned around and looked up at him. My nose brushed his, and he leaned down.

“Tristan!” Tristan straightened up, glaring out the door. He let out a growl and backed away from me.

“Let me handle this, get dressed.” he said, his eyes shining gold. I smirked.

“Is someone feeling deprived?” I teased. He sent me a glare.

“Don’t tease.” I grabbed his neck in my hands and placed a couple of feather light kisses along his jaw, enjoying the way his jaw clenched and his entire body tensed up.

“Tristan, come on man.” Rafael called from outside the closet, and Tristan backed away, a low, complaining growl resonating in his chest.

He left the closet and I snickered, getting dressed.

I was tying up the laces to some high top converse when Tristan emerged from the living quarters of his pad, a frown on his face.

“Is something wrong?” I asked automatically, straightening.

“Yes, Rafe interrupted us for nothing.” Tristan grumbled, walking over to me and cupping my face in his hands.

“Oh, no sir.” I teased, pushing him off. “You promised to take me on a walk early in the morning, and it’s already getting later than early.”

He let out a short growl of frustration and left me, getting dressed. He came out in a pair of running pants and a t-shirt, and running shoes.

“Come on.” he gestured for me to follow him and I did, down the set of stairs in the back of the castle and out on the back patio, down into the castle grounds.

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