Chapter 4 - Friends?

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"I think we're all done, hand me your keys." I turn to the handsome shirtless stranger who is sitting down at the table with a cigarette in one hand, and of course, his mobile phone in the other.

I watch as he moves the cigarette from his hand to his lips, taking a long drag, still not having heard me speaking to him.

Rolling my eyes, I walk toward him and pull the cigarette from his mouth. "You should really tell your girlfriend to back off a little, she's very clingy." I place the cigarette to my lips and take a long drag.

"I don't have a girlfriend." He stands to his feet, meeting my height only his taller, and takes the cigarette back from my lips, pressing it back to his, taking a drag once more. "And smoking is bad for you."

"Yet here you are doing it." I shrug and lean across him, taking his keys from the table. Pivoting, I make my way back to the car and start it up, revving it a little.

"She sounds perfect." I kill the engine once more and walk back toward him, placing his keys back down on the table.

He takes the last drag of his cigarette and snuffs it out in the ashtray sitting on the table. "How much do I owe you?"

"Don't worry about it, I was bored anyway," I shrug as I lean into the fridge, pulling out another beer.

"I told you I'm happy to pay you, Sweetheart." He pulls his shirt back on. Not that I'm sure why he took it off in the first place considering he didn't help me with the car anyway. "Name the price and I'll pay it."

"Really it's fine, keep your money." I assure him as I take my spot at the table and take a sip of my beer.

Joining me, he sits down across from me, a puzzled look on his face. "Do you like live here or something?" He questions as he looks around.


"You don't talk much, do you?" He raises a brow.

"What would you like to talk about?"

"I don't know.... I can't work you out."

"What's there to work out? I'm a girl in a mechanic shop, and I fix cars." I shrug. "Or are you referring to a hurt ego because I haven't thrown myself at you?" I smirk as I look up at him.

"Not once was that in my thought process." He rolls his eyes. "So, uh if you don't live here, how do you plan on getting home tonight because if I'm not mistaken that's your sixth beer already."

"I walk usually, my house is about fifteen minutes by foot."

"I don't doubt you can handle your own, but you shouldn't be walking the streets on your own, especially not at night. You never know what psychos are out there." He says with a warning glare.

"Well unknown man with the sexy tattoos I promise you, I'll be just fine," I say a little too casually, the alcohol finally catching up with me.

"Uh," he smirks. "So that's why you brought up me having a girlfriend, you think I'm hot."


"I didn't once say you were hot, I said your tattoos are hot."

"Okay." he nods with a smirk on his lips. "Well, if you're sure you'll walk home; I best be going." He stands to his feet, slowly sliding his keys off the table into his hand.

"Wait." I huff softly. "Fine, will you take me home?"

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" He smirks once more.


We pull up out the front of my home and I turn to the stranger sitting beside me in the driver's seat. "Thank you for driving me home, I hope I have the pleasure of never seeing you again" I smile sweetly as I reach for the handle

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