Chapter 24 - Wherever

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It's been two days since the wedding and after spending some time with Avery and my family, today Chet and I are out on the open ride, driving to our next destination. I have no idea where we're going, all I know is it's somewhere close to the water, and Chet won't tell me no matter how much I try to get it out of him. He just keeps telling me it's an adventure and we'll go where the road takes us. So far, we've been driving for two hours.

Since making our relationship official, things have been different between Chet and I, but in the best way possible. I've seen a lot more of his caring side and a lot less of his asshole side which I appreciate and in return I believe he has also brought out a nicer side in me, sure I'm still sassy, and quick-witted, but something about us being together has changed something inside of me, maybe it's because I'm happy for the first time in as long as I can remember.

While we spent two full days with my family, we decided not to announce we're more than friends and we're together. We've also been keeping it from Sasha and Brigette back home, not wanting them to get their hopes up in case it doesn't work out. For now, we're happy getting to know each other on a new level, and focusing on ourselves and what we're feeling towards each other rather then what everyone else thinks.

"How far are you planning on driving until we stop?" I question as I look across at him from the passenger's seat.

"We'll know when we get there." He shrugs, his emerald green eyes focused on the road ahead.

"You know I would have never guessed there was this free spirited, adventure side to you. What's next? You're going to grow your hair long and stop wearing shoes?" I giggle playfully

"Rude." He points at me with a soft chuckle. "I said we were going on an adventure, I never said we were sleeping in tents."

"Of course, Mr. Versace, what was I thinking? We must be driving until we find a Ritz." I tease.

"You know Amity, you're very mean to me." He places his left hand on his heart and pouts softly.

"Did you only just work that out?" I raise a brow with a grin.

Turning off the freeway, we quickly arrive in a small town with a large sign reading 'Ocean View'. As we drive through what I'm assuming are the main streets, I stare out the window, taking in our surroundings. Lots of small boutique style stops, cafes and restaurants line the roadway, and out into the distance you can see the ocean.

With a few more turns, I find we're getting closer and closer to the ocean. Large hotels now line the roadways, each taller than the next.

"We're here." Chet grins as he pulls the car into the semi circle style driveway of a huge hotel.

"This is where we're staying? How did you know about this place?"

"I may have already booked us a room," He smirks.

"Oh, I knew it" I giggle loudly. "So much for letting the road take us where it takes us, you're such a control freak." I continue to giggle.

"You don't seem to complain about that in the bedroom."

"You got me there." I nod my head, a grin on my lips.

Killing the engine, Chet open his car door and steps out. I do the same, meeting him at his side of the car, closest to the hotel doors. As we step out, two men who work for the hotel arrive to greet us.

"Hello and welcome." One of the men smiles. "Do you already have a reservation?"

"We do, it's under Raven." Chet replies as he stretches.

"One moment Mr. Raven, I'll check you in and get your room key." He smiles once more before heading into the building once more.

It's only a second later he appears back at the car with our room key in his hand. "This is for your room, you're on floor twenty, the top floor."

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