Chapter 39 - Baby Raven

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It took five long days to get here, but finally today is Saturday. Today is the day I'm going shopping with Sasha and Brigette for bridesmaid dresses and for Sash, her wedding dress. Today is also the day Chet and I have our first doctor's appointment for the baby, which I'm feeling rather nervous about.

Sitting in the waiting room of the clinic, I can feel my heart beating faster than usual, and I wipe my sweaty hands on the legs of my black skinny jeans. Chet places his right hand on top of my left hand which is still sitting on my leg and it's only then I realize I've been bouncing it up and down nervously.

"Sorry," I whisper

"Relax, sweetheart." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and presses a quick kiss to my temple. "Everything will be fine."

Looking up at him, I smile softly, studying his face for a moment.

I'm in love with Chet, that's no secret, but since finding out about the baby, I'm almost positive that I've fallen even further in love with him. The way he keeps everything so together, the way he never lets the small things worry him, the way he can read me like a book, the way he knows what I'm thinking with a single look. Deep down I think I fell in love with him the moment we first met, the moment his emerald green eyes locked on mine.

"Amity Logan." The Doctor calls, pulling me from my thoughts.

I stand to my feet quickly, and Chet does the same. Together we make our way towards the Doctor who has called us into the room and Chet takes my hand in his, interlocking our fingers as we walk.

"Right this way." She smiles and continues down the hall, before stopping and holding a door open for us.

We enter the room and she gestures towards the two seats just off to the side of her office desk and we sit down.

"Hi Amity, I'm Doctor Rodriguez, how can I help you today?"

"Nice to meet you." I smile softly. "Uh, I found out a few days ago that I'm pregnant and we're not sure where to go from here."

"Oh that lovely news," she smiles as she types away on her computer, taking down her appointment notes. "And how was the pregnancy confirmed?"

"C- Confirmed? Um, I took a pregnancy test at home and it showed I'm pregnant."

"Right." She nods and turns back to us. "What we need to do is run some blood tests to confirm that you are in deed pregnant and it wasn't a false positive, it'll also be able to tell how many weeks pregnant you are."

Hearing those words ' To confirm you are pregnant, and it wasn't a false positive' leave the Doctor's lips, I feel my heart sink. Chet and I have been so excited for the five days and now I'm hearing there is a chance I might not be pregnant. That thought hadn't entered my mind until his point and now I'm left wondering, what if I'm not pregnant?

"Are you happy to do the bloods now? I can get the results rather quickly while I have my technician here."

"Yeah sure, that would be great." I nod.

"Perfect, let me grab a few things and we'll begin." She says as she stands to her feet and makes her way over to her extensive set of draws, she pulls on some blue rubber gloves on and takes a few empty vials and a needle from the draw before making her way back toward me.

"Do you do well with needles?" She asks as she wraps a tourniquet around my arm, tightening it.

"They don't bother me."

"Phew, I won't have to pick you up off the floor like my last patient then." She laughs softly, putting me at ease as she cleans the area she will take blood from with an alcohol wipe. Slowly she slides the needle into the vein and I screw my face up in sight discomfort.

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