Chapter 38 - Baby

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It's been two days since our talk and finally this morning I felt ready to take the test and find out for sure if I'm pregnant or just eating too much. I can't be sure what was holding me back, I don't know why I've put it off for two days, but I did. I know most people would want an answer right away, but there is something almost terrifying about being pregnant, not because I don't want a baby, but because it'll bring so much change to Chet and I's lives, nothing will be the same again.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, I take a few long, deep breaths before picking up the pregnancy test, which is sitting on the bathroom countertop. I've already checked it at least five times, but each time I put it back down again, wait a couple of seconds before picking it up again as if the result may change.

Sliding the test into the pocket of my work pants, I make my way down the hall, headed toward Chet's office where he has been busily working away all morning.

I knock twice on the office door, before pushing it open and sticking my head in. "Chet, do you have a second, I need to tell you something."

He raises his pointer, as if to silence me, but not in a horrible way, it's then I realise he is on the phone. He pulls the phone away from his mouth for a moment and whispers. "One second sweetheart, I'm on the phone to your Dad." Before placing the phone back to his ear.

I make my way into the room quietly and take a seat on his desk. I watch as he paces the room while speaking to my Father on the phone. Whatever this phone call is regarding, Chet doesn't look happy.

Nervously, I reach into the pocket of my work overalls and fiddle with the pregnancy test. Maybe this isn't the right time to tell him. He looks annoyed and stressed. Quickly, I remove my hand from my pocket and slide myself off the desk and head for the door.

"Dean, I'll call you back." Chet says quickly before hanging up the phone. "Amity." He calls after me..

Turning, I give him a small smile. "You didn't have to hang up on him, we can talk later, I'll be late for work."

"No, it's fine, he needs my help with something but I can call him back. You said you needed to talk to me about something." He says as he makes his way toward me.

"Honestly Chet, it's fine, I'll talk to you this afternoon." I stretch up on my tiptoes and press a kiss to his lips. "I'll see you after work."

"No." He says sternly as he places his hand under my chin, forcing me to look at him. "You will tell me now, or I'll spend all day wondering what on earth it is."

Exhaling deeply, I slide my hand into my pocket once more. "I really wish you'd just let me tell you another time, you're cranky right now." Slowly I pull the test from my pocket and hold it out to Chet.

He takes the test into his own hand and stares at it for a moment before looking back at me. "You're pregnant?"

"Yeah, Sasha was right. I'm pregnant."

"We're having a baby." He says out loud as if he's still thinking about it.

"Yes." I nod.

"Holy shit." He gasps happily, "We're having a baby."

"Yes." I giggle softly at his reaction.

"Fuck, we're having a baby." He says excitedly as he places his hand on my stomach.

"Has it sunk in now?" I giggle some more. His reaction is far sweeter than I expected.

"Yes, I think so." He nods,

"You good?" I question as I look up at him.

"I'm more than good, I'm great!" He lifts me up and carries me back into the office, where he places me on the desk and presses his lips to mine. "Are you happy?"

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