Chapter 8 - Breakfast?

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I wake suddenly to constant knocking on my front door. "I'm coming, I'm coming," I yell as I jump out of bed and pull my white nightgown over my body. "Where is the stupid tie for this thing?" I flip my blankets looking for it.

Knock knock knock knock.

"Oh for fuck sake." I walk to the door and swing it open. That's when I see him, I look him up and down taking him in, suit and tie, tattoos on his neck and those stunning green eyes.


"Do you always open the door like that or were you expecting me?" He licks his lips.

I look down at my black lace bra and matching panties and smirk to myself, then look back up at him. "Yes Chet, I was just sitting here waiting for you in my best lingerie set, where do you want to take me first? living room? bedroom?"

"Kitchen table is fine." He smirks and makes his way inside pushing past me.

"Sure, come on in." I follow him into my kitchen where he sits a takeaway bag down on the kitchen table. "What's this?"

"Breakfast." He rubs his hands together and opens the bag pulling out an array of foods he'd purchased from the only cafe close to my home. "I didn't know what you wanted so I thought I'd bring one of everything."

"Uh, why are you here?" I fold my arms across my chest.

"I told you, breakfast." He sits down and starts eating.

"What you don't have anything you'd like to say to me?" I sit down across from him and pick up one of the apple and cinnamon muffins, my favourite.

"You want me to apologise?" He raises a brow at me.

"Would be nice." I huff and fold my arms on the table.

"Amity, I'm sorry you almost killed us yesterday and that you're an idiot." He smirks.

"Get out." I point to the door.

Laughing for a couple of seconds he then looks at me dead in the eye, drawing me in right away. "I'm sorry I snapped at you yesterday. But I've been in a bad wreck before and people got hurt, and I just wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I was the reason for something happening to you." He takes a breath and then breaks his eye contact.

"Then I'm sorry for driving like an idiot." I take a breath. "Because you have a point and I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I caused harm to you either." I nod my head and let out another breath I'd be holding in.

We sit together in silence as we eat breakfast, it's strange for me to wake up and have someone in the house, to just be in the presence of someone even though we're not having any kind of conversation.

"What time do you start work?" Chet breaks the silence.

"Before nine usually." I shrug and put down the rest of my third muffin of the morning. "Argh I'm so full, can I go back to bed?" I laugh rubbing my stomach.

"I don't think your worker would appreciate that very much, but you are the boss after all." he shrugs.

"And what about you huh?" I sit back up in my seat. "What's with the suit and tie?"

"I'm meeting with some clients this morning and I wanted to look my best." He dusts off his jacket. "Do I look okay?"

"You look good." I give him a smile and bite down on my bottom lip.

Laughing under his breath he shakes his head. "You know Amity it's no wonder you get yourself in trouble, you do know biting your lip is a massive turn on for most men right?" He questions.

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