Chapter 18 - Coming home

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It's been a week since Chet and I went on our first official date, a week since I asked him to be my date for my brother's wedding, and today is the day we're heading back to my family home in Hills Valley.

Being my first vacation in as long as I can remember, I've taken three weeks leave from the garage, which I have left in Austin's very capable hands. Chet has also taken three weeks leave, he didn't have a job to leave as such, but he was in the middle of rebuilding the warehouse so Ryan has volunteered to take that over for him and make sure everything runs smoothly. I assured Chet he didn't have to stay with me for the full three weeks but as he hasn't spent much time on the west side outside of Springs he is looking forward to it, we've even planned a little road trip after the wedding.

Halfway to Hills I stare out the window and take a deep breath. I'm becoming nervous about Chet meeting my family, about him meeting Dad, about him meeting Alex, about him meeting Benz. Sure Alex isn't as bad as Dad but he can be quite protective of myself and Avery at times and I just know Dad will ask him a million and one questions and probably run background checks on him and don't even get me started on Benz he'll be beside himself.

At least I know one person who'll be cool about all of this, Mom. I just know she will love Chet from the second she meets him, just like me she's always been a sucker for a tattooed man, all of you have to do is look at my father to know that, but with Chet's good looks and his personality to match, I know she'll approve.

"Are you worried about meeting my family?" I suddenly question from the passenger's seat of his white Camaro.

"Should I be?" he raises a brow, looking at me for a split second before moving his vision back to the road once more.

"My Dad can be a little intimidating sometimes, he likes to play the bad cop even when he doesn't need to."

"I'm sure I'll be fine, I take interrogations pretty well." he grins.

"You're right, I'm sure it'll be fine." I nod, not sure if I'm lying to myself or Chet. "Besides, my sister will be there with her new boyfriend who everyone is meeting for the first time so I'm sure all the heat will be off us."

"Us?" He smirks once more, looking across at me.

"You know what I mean, Chet." I roll my eyes and reach over, turning the music up.


Before I know it another two hours have passed, two hours of Chet listening to my horrible singing from the passenger's seat, two hours of meaningless banter, two hours of laughs and finally we reach the welcome to Hills Valley sign.

"Back in your hometown, hows it feel?" Chet smiles softly, his eyes still on the road.

"Like it's been a long time coming." I admit as I stare out the window. "Take a right at these traffic lights." I inform.

I give Chet directions on how to get to my parents' house and after a twenty-minute drive from the city; we arrive on my street. "Right at the end here." I tell him with an excited smile.

We reach the end of the street and Chet pulls the car onto the driveway, stopping at the large gate that surrounds it, much the same as his own house, and lets out a whistle. "You said your parents have money Sweetheart, you didn't mention they were the Walton's." he smirks

"They're not the Walton's." I giggle loudly with a shake of my head. "The code is 559490, buzz us in." I tell him with a smile.

He winds down the window, and reaches his arm out, entering the pin and instantly the gate open. As I look up at my house, I study it for a moment, everything is still the same, the gardens are still stunning; the driveway is packed with cars, just like it always is, and there is a gentle breeze blowing the palm tress off in the distance, no doubt a warm breeze, which I can't wait to feel against my skin.

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