Chapter 53 - Surprises come in fours.

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Following Benz's lead, we make our way to a more quiet area of the garden. When we're finally away from everyone Benz stops walking and turns to me with a soft smile. "You look beautiful." He finally speaks.

"Thank-you." I smile

"Congratulations on your little girl as well." He nods and looks down at the ground.

"Thank you again." I take a deep breath. "What is it, Benz?" I ask softly, "I feel like there is something you need to say."

After a moment, he looks back up at me. "I just, I needed you to know that I love you." He laughs without humor and shakes his head. "I'm so fucking pissed off I just stood there and watched you marry a man who isn't me, I'm pissed you're having his baby, I'm pissed you've already had a baby with him." He sighs.

"But I'm not pissed at you, or even Chet, I'm so pissed with myself. I'm so sorry for everything." He looks at the ground once more, "I've lost the one person I should have held onto."

"Benz." I sigh and take his hand in mine. "Benz I love you, but I don't love you the way I love Chet and I never did. I'm not saying this to hurt you, I'm saying this to make you understand. You love me, I believe that, but you don't love me in the way you think you do, or you would have never cheated, young or not, when you love someone, you know."

"Maybe I'll just find someone like you." He sighs.

"Okay, Adel." I giggle as I reach over and mess up his hair. "Come on, don't be like this. You're a good guy Benz and you will find the one, and when you do, you'll be able to call me and tell me I was right."

"Maybe." He laughs softly. "I'll let you get back to your husband." He says before turning on his heel, heading back toward the party.

Taking a deep breath, I take a moment to be in my own thoughts. When you're young, you think that everything is the end of the world. When Benz and I broke up, I never thought I would love again, but really I didn't know what love was until I met Chet. When you're young everyone tells you your life is leading you to exactly where you're meant to be, but at the time it's so hard to believe. It's hard to believe that you have to feel hurt to feel love, that you have to have bad times to enjoy the good times and that you have to live to learn, but it's true and I see that now.

"This is where you're hiding."

I jump at the sound of the voice and laugh as I turn to find Sasha. "You scared me."

"You're the queen of keeping things from me aren't you Mrs. Raven," She laughs

Mrs. Raven, I love the sound of that.

"I wanted to tell you so bad, I almost slipped up so many times." I giggle softly, then stop thinking for a moment. "You're not mad with me are you?"

"For what?" Sasha asks with knitted brows.

"For not telling you, for not having you as a bridesmaid?" I question, suddenly feeling very guilty.

"Oh, Am." Sasha giggles. "Of course I'm not mad with you. You did it your way and I'm so happy for you." She tells me, honesty filling her eyes. "And if I was mad, that would make me a hypocrite because there is something I've been hiding from you as well."

"Go on." I smile.

"I'm pregnant," she announces.

"You are!" I squeal as I reach out and hug her. "I'm so happy."

"And." She begins as she pulls back from the hug. "We're having a girl as well."

"What? You're that far along already?" I gasp.

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