Chapter 22 - Wedding

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Amity's POV:

Since Chet and I's heart to heart yesterday, I'm left wondering if it's going to change things between us. Now that everything is out in the open, will it be awkward? Does he regret opening up to me? Letting me see a new side of him? Deep down I want to believe this will bring us closer together, but Chet is Chet, and he's made it perfectly clear he's good at pushing people away, and I know I'm not much better than him, so I guess only time will tell.

Today is the day of my brother's wedding, and I'm surprisingly feeling excited it. I'm excited to watch my brother marry Star and officially be able to call her my sister, and I'm excited about getting dressed up in a nice dress and heels, hell I'm even excited about having my hair and make-up done.

Last night I did the right thing and slept in the house rather than in Chet's room like I had done the night before, with Benz in the next room I didn't want to risk him saying anything to my father. But that doesn't mean I didn't sneak in, just for a little while, just for a few sneaky kisses.

Dressed in denim shorts and a beige singlet top, I make my way into the backyard where Star and the boys have been working all morning getting things ready for the wedding. The wedding is being held right here in the backyard at my parent's home, so even though the gardens in the yard are beautiful, we have a lot of work to do to make this everything Star and Alex have envisioned.

"Morning Sweetheart," Chet calls

My eyes scan the ladders which are high up in the trees, all the boys pitching in to help string the fairy lights from one section of the garden to another and everywhere in between. It doesn't take me long to spot Chet. Who could miss him? He's dressed in denim shorts that come to his knees, rips in both legs and no shirt, just his perfect, tattooed body on full display to everyone around him. His tan skin glistening in the sun.

"Good morning," I call back to him with a smirk, not one bit ashamed to be checking him out.

As Star makes her way towards me carrying an arm full of lanterns, I make my way over and take a few of them from her, not wanting her to drop and break them. "What do you need me to do?"

"You're awake." She squeals happily. "Avery and Ezra will be back in a moment with tables and then you can help me dress them?"

"Sounds good." I smile softly and turn to the trees once more, watching the boys in action. All of them are sweating and I can't say I blame them. The weather is extremely hot today, I'm sure Star and Alex are glad it's an afternoon wedding so it cools down a little before they walk down the aisle.

"I might go and grab some drinks for everyone while I wait for Avery and Ezra." I tell Star before turning on my heel, heading towards the house.

I make my way up the back steps and through the large glass sliding doors once more, entering the kitchen where I find Mom who is so busy making food platters and grazing tables for the pre-dinner, She doesn't even notice my presence. She hums softly to herself, a smile on her face. You can tell she's in her element when it comes to things like this.


"Oh, hi, honey." she smiles, finally looking up.

"This looks amazing." I reach over and take a small triangle sandwich from the tray, popping it into my mouth.

"Amity." she scolds and quickly takes another sandwich, placing it down in the exact spot I'd just taken it from.

"Sorry, I'm hungry." I giggle softly and I make my way to the fridge. "Is there anything in here I can take to the boys to drink? It's really hot outside."

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