Chapter 10 - Business as usual

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Chet's POV:

This morning I wake feeling stress and worry-free for the first time in a long time. I know with the lifestyle I live I'll never truly be stress free or worry free, but since meeting Amity things feel different.

I've never come across a woman like her, she speaks her mind, she's tough but has a soft side, she's funny without even trying, she's incredibly sexy, that part I don't know if she does on purpose just to get under my skin or if that's just her, and don't even get me started on her electric blue eyes and long black hair, she's effortlessly beautiful.

Sitting up in bed, I pull my white sheets off my naked chest and step out onto the polished floors. We have a huge shipment coming in this morning to accompany another shipment, and it needs to be out the door today to keep my head above water.

I guess you could call me a middleman, I'm well known to most small-town gangs, a few cartels and recently my most valuable customers have become those with links to the mafia. I know what I do isn't safe, in fact going to jail would be the least of my worries, what I really need to worry about is the people my father screwed over during his time in charge. I've heard lots of stories about him, most of them are horrible and most of them I don't want to believe, but deep down I know they're probably true.

What I do know is he fucked over many people in organized criminal groups and a few of those bridges I haven't been able to mend. The reason he became so successful himself was because he was ripping people off, stealing guns, drugs, whatever he could get his hands on and then selling them back to the people who owned them. It took them a while, but they soon found out, I suppose that's why he's dead.

Making my way into my walk-in closet I pull out some ripped jeans and a black shirt, I don't have any meetings today only shipments to make so a suit and tie aren't needed.

Through the walk-in closet I make my way into the bathroom, brush my teeth and slick my hair back, then head out the door, making my way to my warehouse by the docks.


"He arrives!" Ryan smirks as I walk through the door. "Did you oversleep from all the fun you had last night?" He teases, referring to Amity and I staying back at the beach together.

"Nothing happened so cut the shit." I roll my eyes.

"Not like you to know a girl this long and not have slept with her already." He presses on.

Ignoring him, I make my way over to the shipment, which I'm glad to see has already arrived. I unzip the bags and pull out each brick of cocaine, counting them all and making sure nothing is missing before I go any further with the shipment.

"Who's got his panties in a twist?" Markus, a friend, and employee of mine asks out loud, loud enough for me to hear.

"His latest play thing isn't putting out, I mean she's hot as fuck man and he still hasn't been able to get her into bed," Ryan announces loudly.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that." I snap and turn to look at both of them through narrowed eyes.

"That'll be one hundred bucks thanks man," Ryan smirks and puts his hand out to the side.

Markus pulls out a one hundred-dollar bill and places it in Ryan's hand. "Never thought I'd see the day Chet caught feels" He comments and they both laugh.

"If you two want to keep a job, I suggest you get the fuck over here and help me with these poker machines."

"What are we doing?" Ryan questions as he and Markus both join me across the room.

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