Chapter 5 - The bar

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After much deliberation within my own head, I decided to take a shower, get dressed into something nice and head to the bar for a few drinks. I know what you're thinking, is she really going to sit at a bar on her own and just drink? My answer is yes, because it makes me feel less alone even though I don't know anyway in the room.

Sitting at the bar I pull my beach waved, waist length hair over one shoulder and scan the bar, taking in the people around me. I see a few people I've seen here before and I exchange a small smile before breaking eye contact. Tonight I'm dressed in tight, black leather jeans, black heels, and a chocker style top in red. I also put effort into my appearance and did my makeup for the first time in forever, nothing special, but just enough to give me a little more confidence.

"What will it be darlin'?" The bartender questions with a smile as he makes his toward me.

"Another Tequila, please." I return his smile as he grabs a clean glass to fill my request.

"Let me know when you'd like another." He slides my Tequila across the bar and I hand him my money.

Pressing the glass to my lips, as I turn on my bar stool, now facing the dance floor. There are lots of people here tonight, way more than usual. It looks more like a nightclub out there tonight than a bar, lots of girls in short dresses and low-cut tops, dancing with their friends, drinks in hand, all of them looking confident within themselves, good for them, everyone deserves to feel confident. Some of the girls are dressed in stunning dresses and even though I'm not usually a dress girl, if I ever make any friends around here, I'll be sure to ask where they shop.

Sighing, I turn on my stool once more, down the rest of my drink and sit the empty glass down. With my drink downed and the bartender busy, I take this as my opportunity to use the restroom. Standing to my feet, I make my way towards the crowd of people dancing.

"Sorry." I say as I bump into a female on the way through.

"It's fine." she giggles happily as she continues to dance, sipping on her drink.

"Damn." I hear a male voice yell from behind as I walk by. I can't be sure if he was referring to me or one of the many pretty girls around us, but I did put effort into my appearance tonight, so I'll take the small confidence boost.

Finishing in the bathroom, I make my way back through the crowd and to the bar. As I approach, I notice my seat hasn't been taken by anyone else, which I'm thankful for. Reaching the seat, I sit down and pull my phone from my pocket as having felt it vibrate.

"Aw." I smile at the picture message Avery had sent me. A picture of her and Ezra on their date earlier today. They look to be out exploring the city, sitting upon the rooftop of one of the many highrise buildings, a stunning view behind them and Ezra kissing Avery on the cheek as she looks at the camera with the happiest smile I've ever seen her wear. They look so sweet together.

"You know you really should tell your boyfriend he's too clingy." I hear a familiar voice quote my similar words.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I slide my phone back into my pocket and look up, my eyes meeting his, the man with the stunning emerald eyes. Chet.

We stare at each other for a moment, neither of us saying another word until finally Chet speaks.

"Are you're here alone?"

I look beside me, behind me, and finally turn my line of vision back to Chet. "Yep, looks like it."

"Why? You're such a pleasant person to be around." He smirks.

"Har Har." I roll my eyes. "What do you want Chet?"

"I'm here with my friends and saw you sitting here alone from across the room so I thought I'd do the nice guy thing and ask if you wanted to join us?" He nods his head towards the corner of the room and gives me another one of his pantie dropping smiles.

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