Chapter 15 - Good things must end

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Reaching the bedroom, I place Amity down on the bed. This has been a long time coming for the both of us, from the day we met sexual tension has been building.

Pulling my shirt over my head, I look down at Amity who is watching my every move from her position on the bed; she licks her lips, her eyes slowly moving down my body before she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, knowing damn well it's the one thing that turns me on most.

Taking a large stride toward her, I place my knees on the edge of the mattress and using my left hand, I tangle my finger in her long hair once more, pulling her face towards mine. The moment she's close enough, I lean down and kiss her hungrily.

As the kiss continues, I push her down, her back now flat against the mattress, my body hovering over hers, one hand still in the back of her hair while the other runs up her left thigh and under the black silk nightgown she's wearing.

Trembling at my touch, she breaks the kiss. I move my hand from the back of her hair to the side of her face, pulling it to one side, as I move my lips to the side of her neck. She moans at the feeling, her eyes closing as she allows her body to relax into the white silky sheets below us.

As I kiss her neck, I move my hand from her cheek and run it up her right thigh, now both hands under the thin fabric of her nightgown. Slowly and teasingly, I remove her panties, my fingertips gently grazing the tops of her thighs as I do, which causes her to shiver.

By the time I have them around her feet, I find myself kneeling on the floor in front of her. I remove her panties completely, throwing them to the side, where they join my shirt on the floor.

Sliding my hands up her thighs once more, I grab her hips and pull her to the edge of the bed, causing her to gasp gently at the sudden movement. Kneeling once more and with my hands still on her thighs, I move them up her body, taking the fabric of her dress with me, removing it from her body slowly as I lean down and begin kissing up her thigh.

Arching her back, she moans once more and I know I have her right where I want her. As the fabric finally reaches her arms, sitting her up I remove the dress from her body and it to finds itself on the floor, leaving her completely naked.

As my eyes run over her body, she looks down at me, her eyes pleading with me to know what's coming next. She has the most perfect body I've ever seen, so I take my time taking her in for a second longer. Pushing her back down to the bed, I hover over her once more and begin kissing the side of her neck, then down to her chest and further down to her stomach until I end up in my original position on the ground in front of her.

Spreading her legs, I kiss up her thigh once more, stopping once I reach her achingly wet core. Lowering my head, I teasingly taste her for the first time, with a quick swipe of my tongue which causes her to shutter. "C-Chet." she breathes out softly.

"Relax babe." I mumble, tasting her once more. This time I don't tease, and I don't stop.

Moaning softly, her back arches and her left hand slides down the sheets, stopping once she reaches me, she places her hand in the back of my hair, tangling her fingers as she tugs gently, pulling me closer to her.

As my tongue continues to devour her, her right hand grips the sheets, her fingers tightening around the material, and her back arching further. "Fuck, Chet." she moans my name loudly.

With a few more swirls of my tongue, I feel her legs beginning to shake under me, and I know she's close to her finish. Continuing, I make sure to hit her in that sweet spot and she moans even loudly, her hand now tugging harder at my hair. Looking up at her, I watch as her eyes flutter closed and her fingers grip the sheets even tighter. Finally she lets go, orgasming with a loud moan, her hips gently rocking against the sides of my face as she comes down from her high.

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