Chapter 26 - The whole truth

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Chet's POV:

I can't believe what I'm hearing. Amity is part of the Cobras and not just a part of it, she's the daughter of the leaders. The Cobras were one bridge I could never re-build when I took over from my father after his death, and now I know why.

The look in her eyes is killing me, I can see how frustrated she is, I can see that she wants to cry but I also know that she won't, not in front of me. She needs to keep her strong front up, the one she thinks I haven't been able to see through from the moment I met her.

"This is all new to me." I tell her honestly.

"Oh yeah right Chet, fuck off would you." She rolls her eyes.

"Amity, I know you don't believe a word that's coming from my mouth, but I had no idea."

She looks at me for a moment, and I just for a second feel like she's going to believe me, but she shakes her head. "No, I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth." she spits "I don't believe that you couldn't possibly know about all of this."

"So this is how it's going to be then? You're not going to allow me to talk or explain my side? You're going to continually accuse me of knowing something I knew not a thing about? You're going to act like a typical crazy woman and I have to play the bad guy?"

"What about you, sweetheart?" I spit back. "I don't recall you telling me you're the daughter of one of the most well-known mafia leaders in America. I don't recall you being open and honest with me, so that must mean all the shit you fed me about your family was a lie as well?" I shrug.

"I never lied to you." She snaps. "I just left that part out." She mumbles the last part.

"Of course you did, but that's okay isn't it?" I raise my voice. "It's okay for you to leave things out but you're standing here accusing me of shit I knew nothing about." I sigh softly with a shake of my head, my voice now lowering.

"I was wrong about you, you are just like every other fucked up woman I've met. Do you honestly believe for one second that I would put in this much effort if I was only doing it to try to hurt you in the end? Do you think I would have asked you to be my girlfriend? To open up to you and tell you about my past?"

"You want the truth? The truth is Amity, If I had known who you were, I would have never come near you. The truth is, I wouldn't get mixed up with a girl like you. No one would ever want to be with a gang leader's daughter.

I watch as her eyes fill with tears. She's listening now, listening to every word I say, and as much as I don't like seeing her upset. I need to get this off my chest.

"It's like you wanted to hurt me, telling me your mother killed my father, or that he's done bad things, but the truth is I don't give a fuck Amity, I'm glad that he's gone, I should be thanking your Mom for saving me from him. You don't have a fucking clue what I went through, what it was like having him a father. Yes, we opened up to each other, but you don't know shit about me, and clearly I don't know shit about this. This entire thing was a mistake."

"Chet,-" Amity tries, but I cut her off

"You told me you were my ride or die and I believed you, but at the first sign of trouble this is how it plays out. We could have spoken about it, we could have just talked it through if you'd of listened to me and stopped accusing me of bullshit for one second. You made it clear how you feel about me, I don't need to hear anymore." I tell her before turning my back, heading towards the door.

"Chet, where are you going?" She calls after me.

"Back to springs, and if you come back there, stay the fuck away from me Amity." I call, my back still turned toward her.

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