Chapter 49 - A Son

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Of all the days, why did our little man have to choose right now to enter the world. While I want nothing more than to meet him and hold him in my arms, I don't want to ruin my best friend's wedding by making this all about me.

As much as I don't want to keep this hidden from them, I choose not to tell them my waters have broken and I'm leaving, rather Chet and I sneak off, the only person we inform is my Mom via text message and again ask her not to say anything.

Reaching the car, Chet helps me in before jumping into the driver's seat. He starts the engine and pulls out of the driveway.

"Are you alright, Sweetheart?" He asks looking over at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the road.

"I think so." I nod.

In this moment I have no idea how I feel, I'm scared, I'm happy, and I have no idea what to expect. I've never been in labor before, I don't know if the pain I'm feeling right now is normal right or if it's too much, or maybe not enough, maybe we have more time than we think.

It's around ten minutes before we reach the hospital, thankfully it looks like we've arrived at a quieter time of the night and Chet finds a park out the front. The second he's parked he kills the engine and jumps out making his way to my door which he opens and helps me out.

"Are you okay?" He asks once more.

"I'm fine, Chet, stop worrying." I smile softly up at him as we walk into the hospital together.

The second we enter, a nurse makes her way toward us. "Are you okay, honey?" She questions.

"My water broke," I tell her as I hold on to Chet for support. "But I'm not due for another four weeks."

"Okay, this way, sweetheart." She smiles as she helps me through the doors to another room to be assessed and sent to the maternity ward, Chet right behind me.


After a quick assessment by the nursing staff, I was moved into my own private room in the maternity ward. It was only a few minutes until my Doctor came to check on me and assessed me thoroughly.

After my assessment the Doctor confirmed I am in fact in labor and our little man is four weeks early but that everything looks fine with him, he is healthy, just early which helped us both relax a little.

When I first arrived at the hospital I was in the early stages of labor, but as the hours have passed my contractions are becoming closer and closer in proximity, the contractions becoming more painful.

Squeezing Chet's hand, I close my eyes for a moment, trying to get my breathing under control.

"They're becoming closer, are you sure you don't want something more than the gas?" Chet questions.

"I think you should get the Doctor." I breathe out.

Just as Chet stands to his feet to reach for the buzzer, the Doctor opens the door once more and makes her way in.

"How are you going in here, Amity?"

"It's getting closer and closer."

Making her way over the Doctor does another quick assessment. "You're ready to push Amity, are you ready?"

"I don't really have a choice, do I?" I breathe out heavily.

"You'll do just fine, Sweetheart." Chet whispers as he presses a kiss on the side of my head, stroking my hair with one hand and holding my hand with his other.

"Okay Amity, push." The doctor speaks.

Following her instructions, I take a deep breath and push with everything I have, using the gas as my only form of pain relief, having left it too late for an epidural.

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