Chapter 16 - Flowers

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Amity's POV:

As my alarm rings loudly on the bedside table next to me, I sigh softly, rolling over and turning it off. I wasn't asleep, in fact I think I've had around three hours sleep in total, but tired or not, I need to get up because it's Monday and I'm needed at work.

I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but the truth is everything that went down with Chet last night has been playing on my mind, and even when I try to think of something else, the argument comes creeping back into my thoughts. In a way, I'm not surprised that Chet was only here for one thing last night, in fact I knew that's all he was here for and I still allowed it to happen, because I wanted it too, that's not the part that hurt me, the part that hurt me is he thinks so little of me. The words he spoke to me made me feel like I was a worthless piece of trash he wants to keep on side, use me when he wants and then leave.

Why is it that that's all a man ever wants from me? I know I seem strong on the exterior, but I hurt just like everyone else. I've only ever been in a relationship once, and that was with Benz, not that you could even call it a relationship, to him I was just a toy he could play with when he wanted, then go and find better when I wasn't around. Since Benz, I've dated two guys, one of them for months, but just like Chet, after sleeping with me he made it clear he was never actually interested in me. It was just for fun.

Slipping out of bed, I removed the sheets and carry them into the laundry. The last thing I need is to come home to a room that smells like Chet and his stupid smelling cologne, probably Versace.

After grabbing some fresh sheets from on the linen press, I make my way down the hall quickly and re-make the bed with the clean sheets before heading into the bathroom to shower in the hopes of washing away everything that happened last night. His smell, his touch, all of it.


I arrive at work just in time for open, but like most mornings Austin has already beaten me to it, the roller door is up and music is playing loudly from inside, so loud that I can hear it from my car as I pull into the parking lot off to the side of building. As I park I notice a white delivery style van parked in the far right corner of the parking lot. I don't remember booking in a van, but maybe Austin booked it this morning.

As I step out of my car, I make my way towards the building; I notice a man dressed in a delivery uniform step out of the white van.

"Good morning." I smile, assuming he is a customer.

"Oh, hello, miss, looks like I caught you just in time." He returns my smile before making his way to the back of the van where he opens the large door and steps up into it, disappearing for a moment.

"These are for you." he says as he reappears, holding out an enormous bunch of red roses toward me.

"I don't think these are for me, you must have the wrong building." I assure him.

"Are you Miss Amity Logan?" He says as he reads the small card attached to the side of the flowers.


"Then these are indeed for you." He hands them out to me once more.

Taking the roses from him, I quickly open the card attached. 'I'm sorry.' Is all that's written, and that's all I needed to read to know who they're from.

"Can you return these by chance?" I ask the man politely.

"I'm sorry miss, I can't do that, they've already been paid for." He closes the doors to his van and disappears down the side of it, headed for the driver's door.

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