Chapter 20 - Poker

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Entering the guest house, we all find a seat around the table and wait as Alex sets up the game. There is eight of us in total. Myself, Chet, Avery, Ezra, Alex, Benz and two other Cobra members Alex and Benz are friends with, Luca and Jackson. So going out to the guest house to play was definitely the best option, especially when these boys are drinking because they're so darn loud, they'd wake Mom for sure.

Once the table has been set, we move around slightly, making sure we're in a circle while Alex hands out the cards. Checking mine, I grin and place them face down on the table, rubbing my hands together.

"I hope you're all ready to hand over your money." I grin in an attempt to psych them out. Something that always seems to work on Alex and his friends, but with Chet involved in the game tonight I get the feeling he's going to be a little harder to crack, he has a great poker face at the best of times let alone in a real game of poker.


With each round of poker that is played, I can't help but notice how well Alex and Chet seem to be getting alone. I know Chet says he is fine and that he hasn't felt awkward since arriving, but it warms my heart that Alex is including him and making him part of everything. I don't want Chet to walk away from this thinking my Dad is an asshole and so is my brother, so this is good.

"And I win again." I announce with a smirk as I place my perfect hand of cards down on the table and pull the money from the middle of the table towards me.

"See I told you, she always wins." Benz rolls his eyes.

"Don't be such a baby, it's not your fault you suck." I tease.

"Oh, I suck? I seem to remember a time when you used to suck." He smirks, in no way referring to playing cards.

Clearing his throat, Alex interrupts, which I'm thankful for. "Let's go teams this time, Chet, you're with me." He says as he collects all the cards and shuffles them.

That little cheater, Of course he picked Chet to be on a team with him, Chet and I have been the best players all night, Chet winning a few rounds, while I won all the rest.

"Well, that's hardly fair, you stole my partner."

"Scared you're going to lose Sweetheart?" Chet grins as he stands and makes his way toward Alex, sitting with him as they work in a team.

Alex dishes out the cards once more, and Avery and Ezra who are sitting together pick them up, looking at their cards together, clearly on a team.

"I'll go with you, man." Jackson tells Luca as he picks up the cards, the two of them already sitting together.

"I guess that leaves you and me." Benz says as he sits down next to me, a big smile on his face as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Let's kick their ass's like old times babe."

Babe? Really Benzley, what game are you trying to play here. Because I can see this ending with Chet punching him in the face before the night is through if I don't put a stop to this.

I remove his arm from my shoulder and move away slightly. My eyes locking on Chet's for a moment before he looks back towards the cards Alex is holding.


It doesn't take long for the round to come to an end, once again I win, or Benz and I win I suppose as we are on a team, not that he came up with any good ideas of his own.

"My girl never loses a game, better luck next time." Benz smirks toward Alex while placing his hand on my thigh. Gently moving it up and down.

I gasp softly at the feeling and place my hand on his, ripping it from my leg before shifting in my chair. I look across at Chet, who has a pissed off look on his face. I bite down on my bottom lip gently.

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