Chapter 19 - Family dinner.

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After a few more sneaky kisses, Chet and I joined the rest of the family in the dining room. When we entered the room everyone else had already taken their places and had begun eating, which I can't say I blame them, Chet and I took our time making it inside.

We sat down next to each other at the table, across from Ezra and Avery, Mom at one end of the table and Dad at the other, opposite of each other.

I'll admit at first I was worried as to where this dinner may be going, and if it was just an excuse for Dad to interrogate the boys, especially because it's only Avery and I and the new men in our lives at the table, but Mom being her usual welcoming self, has been very talkative, talking about anything and everything to keep things smooth sailing and make sure the boys don't feel out of place.

What I've taken from the dinner so far is that Ezra is a very quietly spoken person, he doesn't add a lot to the conversation unless he is spoken to, but when spoken to he is polite, well spoken, and doesn't hold back when speaking about himself, which I'm sure Dad will be happy about. Turns out Ezra has lived in New York his entire life, he got into college on a scholarship and without it, he could never attend as his family doesn't come from money like ours.

Just listening to him talk about his family, college and his goals, I get the feeling he is very, very smart, mature and the perfect match for Avery. Just watching the two of them interact, I can see the love they have for each other, they're so well suited.

"And what about you, Chet? What do you do with yourself?" Mom asks with a smile, keeping the conversation flowing.

"I'm from New York as well, actually." He says referring to Ezra being from New York. "But I only lived there until I was three. My father took over a new job role in Springs so he packed me and my sister up and that's how I ended up in Springs."

"New York to Springs is a bit of a change, city to ocean." Mom smiles, "What does your father do for work?"

"He owned a shipping business which I've recently taken over, he passed away over two years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." she replies with a saddened tone.

"It's okay, these things happen, but thank-you." He replies with a small nod.

"I hope I'm not being rude or over stepping, but your mother?"

"She and my father separated a few months before his work took us to Springs and I haven't seen her since she left."

The moment those words leave his mouth, I see a different side of him, his soft side, the side of a little boy whose Mother left him at the age of three and never came back. Instantly I wrap my arm around his back and rub it gently, letting him know that I'm there.

"Oh." Mom replies sadly.

"It's okay, I have a sister who lives in Springs, and until recently I had my grandmother, so it's not like I've ever been alone." He offers a small smile. "That's how I met Amity, she fixed my grandmother's car for me, it's kind of the last thing I have from her and even though it's old and run down I plan on keeping it."

"That's so cute." Avery smiles, "You guys met at the shop?"

"Yep, met at the shop and have been friends ever since." He smirks at me.

"Mmm," I hum with a giggle. "I didn't think we'd ever be friends at the start, now did I, Mr. Versace." I grin.

"Mr. Versace?" Avery raises a brow

"You have no idea how much of a jerk we was when I met him at the shop, hence why I leave that part of the story out." I giggle softly as I look up at him.

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