Chapter 54 - Babies

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Being pregnant is one thing, but being pregnant at the same time as your best friend is another. For the last five and a half months, Sasha and I have been planning for the arrival of our baby girls. We go shopping together, decorate their rooms together, and on the odd occasion, we even buy them the same things. For a girl who never liked pink, I'm suddenly feeling very girly.

This morning I received a phone call from Ryan to inform us Sasha has given birth to their baby girl, she was a month ahead of me in her pregnancy so it wasn't surprising news but it feels like I've been waiting forever to meet this little one.

With an excited bounce in my step, I make my way down the stairs and into the living room where Chet and Lane are playing with his toys. Both of them are still dressed in Pajamas, Chet in his sweat pants with no shirt and Lane in his matching sweat pants and a singlet.

"Guess what?" I grin from the doorway.

"You're finally awake?" Chet smirks, looking up at me from his position on the floor.

"Momma!" Lane yells as he stands to his feet and runs toward me

"Obviously, but no, sash had the baby an hour ago and Ryan said she wants us to go and meet her." I tell him before picking Lane up and kissing all over his face. "Hi baby." I giggle at the sound of his laugh.

"I knew she'd go a few days early." He says as he stands to his feet. "How was Ryan on the phone? Excited or scared?" He chuckles as he stands to his feet and makes his way toward me.

"He sounded calm actually."

"Mmm." Chet bums as he wraps his arms around me and presses a kiss to my forehead "how did you sleep."

"Not to bad, what about you?"

"My darling wife tossing and turning all night kept me awake, but lucky for her I love her." He smirks, referring to me in the third person.

"I'm sorry, I just can't get comfortable anymore, my back is killing me this time around."

"I'm just teasing you, Sweetheart." He says as he presses another kiss to my forehead. "Go and get ready and we'll go and meet the baby."

"Sounds good." I nod as I hand Lane back to Chet. As I do, he pouts and holds his arms out to me.

"No, Momma."

"What? Momma? What about Dadda?" Chet questions Lane, playfully pouting back at him.

Lane studies his face for a moment, and something in him must believe Chet is sad because he places his tiny hand on his cheek and strokes it.

"Aww buddy." Chet smiles as he leans in and kisses his head. "Let's go lay on the couch while mommy takes ten years to get ready."

"I can hear you, Chet Raven." I call over my shoulder.


Dressed in a blue body con dress, I make my way down the stairs. Today my black curls are pulled up in a ponytail, and on my face is a tinted moisturizer and some mascara. Walking next to me is Lane, who I help down each step, dressed in a pair of navy blue shorts and a white T-shirt.

Once we reach the front door, I pick him up placing him on my hip. We exit the house and I lock the door behind me, then make my way down the front steps toward the car, which Chet is already in, having started the air-con as it's a hot day today.

I open the back door and help Lane into his seat. "Are you so excited?" I ask as I strap him in, "You're going to make a new friend."

"No." Lane shakes his head.

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