Chapter 41 - It's a -

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Today marks the 20-week mark in my pregnancy, meaning we're able to find out the gender of our baby. Since the beginning of the pregnancy both of us have been dying to find out what we're having, we can't wait to decorate the nursery and go shopping, so today I'm planning a surprise for Chet.

Without him knowing, I set up a gender scan that I am attending on my own. Of course I would love for him to be by my side and I hope he won't be upset with me, but being our first baby I wanted to make it special for him.

"Miss Logan." My doctor calls from the hallway.

I stand to my feet and make my way toward her, meeting her in the doorway. Once I do, she holds the door open for me, allowing me into the room first.

"Take a seat on the bed for me." She smiles as she enters after me and closes the door behind us.

I make my way across the room and jump up on the bed. I am beyond ready for this scan; I am so excited to find out the gender. Chet is already sold on the idea we're having a son. Me? I have no idea this is my first child, so I don't know what to expect.

"No Chet today?" The Doctor asks as she makes her way over to me.

"No, he doesn't know I'm here, actually. I want to surprise him."

"I see." She smiles, "And how have you been since I last saw you?"

"Good." I nod "I'm still working so I'm keeping active, Chet's making sure I don't miss any meals and I'm eating better."

"Very good, just remember the further into your pregnancy you get, the more carful you need to be in your job." She smiles "Alright let's get started, I'll get you to lay down and we'll get this underway."

I lay down on the bed and pull my shirt up, giving the Doctor full access to my stomach. I watch as she pulls the ultrasound machine towards us and applies the warm jelly all over my stomach. "Any idea what you're having?"

"Chet assures me we're having a son." I laugh, looking at the screen, waiting patiently to see our little creation.

"Most men do." The Doctor states as she places the wand in place and begins moving it around, "And what about you?"

"I have no idea, but I'll be happy with a healthy baby," I answer honestly.

"MmmHmm." The Doctor laughs, "And that's what most mothers say."

I watch the screen intently as she moves the wand around my stomach, and the sound of the baby's heartbeat fills the room, bringing a smile to my face. I'll never get sick of this sound.

"Strong heartbeat, measurements are looking good." She smiles as she watches the screen. "Everything looks superb, you're doing a great job."

"Is he or she in a good position to see the gender?"

"He or she is, and I can confirm that you are in fact having," The Doctor pauses with a grin. "A -"


I am beyond excited to get home and see Chet, I can't wait to tell him what we're having. I know he has his heart set on having a Son but I know he'll be just as excited either way and I can't wait to share the news with him.

Before I head home I stop at the small bakery across the road from the Doctor's office and buy a cupcake for Chet in the perfect color to announce to Chet what we're having in his own little gender reveal.

Leaving the bakery with the cupcake in my hand, I walk back to the car and slide in, placing it down on the passenger seat, and pull one of the scan photos from my bag along with a pen, adding a sweet message to the back of it, not from me, but from the baby.

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