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being escorted with his head being covered, shutting his vision to see where he was actually being taken too had never crossed donghyuck's mind. but here he was, wobbling his way to keep up with the pace of the two men that he had gotten used to, being handled with no manner.

donghyuck tried his best not to blackout before the cover was removed from his head. he wanted to see the world for the last time before he was finally gone from the surface of the earth. not to forget about his wish, he wanted to ask for minhyung's presence on the day of his death. then he would go with peace.

he was shaking. he wanted to scream for mercy but the words got caught in his throat, refusing to be expelled. the tanned male expected a loud crowd of people, throwing eggs and saying horrible names toward him but he was met with silence once they stopped their track.

what is this? are they going to kill me quietly? donghyuck thought.

however, once the cover was yanked off from his head, he didn't waste any minute to adjust the light from hurting his sight which wasn't the case because in front of him was a familiar place to him.

the crown prince's quarter.

confused with the situation, donghyuck just let out a faint smile before he dropped to his knees, and plopped to the ground. the thought of being home was a big relief to him and he just let his body rest. his eyes fluttered open as he saw a blurred figure of someone running toward him before he fell unconscious, the darkness invaded his vision.

councilor lee was sitting near the bed, watching his son slept peacefully. he tore off his gaze to retrieve a damp cloth and put it on donghyuck's forehead. the temperature of the tanned male was surprisingly hot and his father was concerned about his health. this was the effect of being locked up in the cell with nothing but only the thin layer of white clothing to cover his body.

the old man reached for donghyuck's hand that felt foreign against his. it appeared and felt more like bone than meat and it worried him. he just hoped that the king didn't change his mind after this. he couldn't stand to watch his son suffering.


"the interrogation result sided with donghyuck more and i gave an order to release him today," the king said that it made councilor lee to snap up his head and looked at the latter wide eye. 

"t-thank you, your majesty," he replied with a sigh of relief as he bowed with all of the respect.

"but you have to keep quiet and this matter shouldn't be known to the ministers and the rest of the councilors. i advise you not to let donghyuck leave their quarter or you'll know how chaotic it will be if he's found not guilty," the superior continued.

"what do you mean, your majesty?" councilor lee asked, not getting the last part of his sentence.

"donghyuck is charged guilty for having an affair with the late general but the accusation of him might be carrying his child is proven wrong. that's what the interrogator had told me after collecting some evidence," the king explained.

the latter took in the information, still not convinced. "are you going to forgive my son?"

"we'll see after he's positive pregnant with the crown prince's son."

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