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mina bit her nail as she paced back and forth, her mind was running wild at the thought of what had happened toward the tanned male. it had been days but there was no sign of her would-be charged guilty for what she had done.

mina needed to plot something in order to save herself. she inhaled deeply and calmed down as she went toward the door, wanting to leave the house.

"where are you going?" her father asked, startling the woman.

"i'm going to meet jisung," mina replied.

"no. you're not going anywhere. what if the crown prince sees you?" he said sternly.

mina rolled her eyes as she dropped her hand to the side and turned around, looking at her father. "dad, if he wanted to arrest me, he would do that the day when donghyuck lost the child! but it has been days and they haven't taken an action yet!"

councilor kang couldn't believe his daughter's doing. when mina told him about the incident, his face turned pale while she was happy throwing a great laugh as if it was a thing that should be proud of. no one messed up with the royalties but his daughter dared to kill the innocent child inside donghyuck's stomach which the king's and the queen's had been waiting for.

he scolded mina upon hearing the news but she was rather confused why her father acted that way. she thought it would be a celebration for both of them. however, despite him throwing tantrums at her, it was such a waste of effort. she didn't feel guilty at all. all she could think of was revenge. if she couldn't feel happiness, then she would make sure minhyung would suffer from it too.

the old man sighed as he approached the woman who was feeling restless, fear was evident in her eyes. "just be careful out there and don't do anything more stupid."

mina furrowed her brows as she broke her gaze from her father. biting her lip, she slid open the door and left without a word. who was councilor kidding, mina wouldn't hear him.

she walked faster and made her way to the palace. she just hoped that jisung would be there, waiting for her outside the palace. luckily, she caught a glimpse of the male, playing with the gravel on the ground.

"jisung!" she yelled as she waved, putting on a big smile.

jisung looked toward the voice calling out for him and wasting no time, he wobbled toward her. "noona, you're late!" jisung complaint with a huff.

"i'm sorry. my dad had a talk with me before i left the house," mina scratched her temple, chuckling.

"it's okay, noona," jisung gave her a reassuring smile. "oh, why do you want to meet me?"

"ah.. actually.." mina looked around and seeing no one was there, she grabbed the latter's wrist and pulled him toward her.

"n-noona, what are you doing?" jisung was panicking when the distance between them was little and mina was staring up at him with doe eyes.

"jisung-ah, to be honest, i like you a lot. marry me, please," mina confessed.

jisung was dumbfounded at the sudden confession. "quit playing, noona. you already know i can't do that and i don't even have the slightest feeling for you," jisung said truthfully as he slowly released her grip.

mina didn't want to give up. she had to become one of the royalties and she was going to get it. "b-but this is what i truly feel!" mina took another step forward and pushed jisung, making his back met the wall. she held the latter's jaws in her hand and the other hand was resting on his chest. "please, marry me.. i don't care if you don't have a feeling toward me, just, be with me."

jisung was so confused at the situation and when he was going to speak, mina latched her lips against his and traveled her hand down his crotch that made jisung jumped and pushed her away. "what do you think you are doing?!" jisung asked angrily as he wiped his mouth with the back of his palm, feeling disgusted.

"i just want you to marry me and make me one of the royals! i want to destroy minhyung so-called-perfect life and make him divorce that whore so i can be his wife!" mina blurted out in anger.

jisung's eyes widened, not believing his ears. "what?"

mina realized what she had just said as she cursed inside her head. "j-jisung i--" she stammered and tried to touch him but jisung stopped her.

"no. stop," jisung said firmly and sighed. "i understand why my brother dislikes you so much. this is your true color, huh? i guess it must be true that you're the cause of my brother losing their child. i can't believe i trust you behind that fake mask of yours."

"jisung, that's not it! y-you have to believe me, i'm not like that at all!" mina claimed frustratingly, not knowing what to do.

"save it. you'll need it for the king," jisung raised his hand to stop her which she obeyed.

mina's body trembled in anxiousness and anger. she fisted at her skirt tightly as her eyes bore into jisung's back who was slowly walking away from her. without thinking too much as her mind was jumbled up and a mess, her right hand crept up to pull out her hairpin.

her breath was ragged as she approached the latter, her vision was blurry with all the tears of unsatisfaction. a hard swing was all it needed to plant the sharp item on jisung's body. it landed perfectly on his left's shoulder blade. he screamed at the sudden pain and slightly lost his balance, making him kneeled on the ground.

"!" jisung said through his gritted teeth as he saw mina was looking down at him with a sinister smile.

"hurt, isn't it?" mina laughed as she clutched on her stomach, finding the situation funny. a superior was kneeling before her was something amusing in her eyes. "look where you are now jisung, on your knees and looking up at me? you're so pathetic. i just have the urge to kill you.."

jisung smirked as he endured the pain, his hand was holding the affected area in an attempt to reduce the pain. "kill me?" jisung snorted as he saw two guards were running toward them in a distance. "well, you better do it fast before you'd be killed by my father instead, noona."

mina clenched her jaw as she was about to pull out her other pin which to no avail as she was held back by the guards. "let go of me!" she yelled.

the ruckus gained more attention as other guards came to the scene and quickly helped jisung to get on his feet. jisung grimaced at the sharp feeling and looked at the woman who was struggling to free herself. "i never expected you to be this way. your action is out of boundary and i'll never let you get close to any of my relatives anymore. you have hurt my brother and my brother-in-law and i'll never forgive you for what you have done today. and most importantly, i regret for befriending you and trusting you." jisung spoke as mina threw him a death glare. "guards, bring her to the king."


|to be continued|

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