chapter 16

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Alisha POV

I just laid there  on my cot in the dark room staring up at the ceiling waiting for the alarm clock to go off.  Wishing I could sleep some more but knew it wasn't going to happen, I'm wide awake and there wasn't any point in even trying.  I reached down and shut off the alarm on the clock, there wasn't any room for any kind of nightstand so I had to set it on the floor next to the cot. It wasn't even much of an reach to do that, it literally was right next to me on the floor.

 I had been given one of those old fashioned wind up clocks to use while I stayed here. Bianca hooked me up on the first day of work, it was "assigned" to me and I had to make sure to turn it in on my last day or I would have to pay for it out of pocket.  It was used and looked like it had seen better days but beggars can't be choosy. I would have preferred one of those electric clocks with a built in radio but music isn't allowed apparently and neither is electricity in my room.  

I didn't even notice that  there wasn't even a electrical outlet in the room at first, there was nothing I had to plug in left. It almost feels like I'm camping  except for the bugs and fresh air, that would be ten times better than this stuffy tiny ass room.  I'm still pretty  positive this was a storage closet at one time . I'd hate to think anyone would have to live in this little shit hole day in and out . But  I'm grateful for the clock, stuck in a eternally dark room  took away any sense of time passing and it helped give that little bit back in some way making it a little more tolerable.

 But that damn clock made that ticking sound and it echoed in the room, the first night I had a dream I was the man in the tell tale heart story by Edgar Allan Poe.  I now have a first hand understanding of how that would drive you crazy.  It was so tempting to just toss that noisy thing out in the hall so I could enjoy the peace and quiet  but I needed it to get up in time. I didn't want to make Bianca have to do that everyday.  I just hope with time it becomes background noise in my brain but right now that little tempo is giving me an headache, my temples are throbbing with a vengeance in time with each tick of the clock. Concentrating on it  isn't helping either.

 I give up trying to get any more sleep tonight and sit up on the side of the hard cot. Between the stress of this internship and this uncomfortable cot  sleep has been difficult to get. It's only five in the morning and I had sleep fitfully since midnight.  I hate this place, really hate it with a passion and the thought of escaping this situation is at the forefront of mind every fucking minute. Each day brings a fresh level of hell, worse than the day before and this pack is full of demons who enjoy torturing me.   Some of the other staff are ok, but the upper management are total shit. I haven't even met the Alpha or his son yet but the gossip about them makes me glad I've been spared that . 

Apparently even though the Alpha has a mate he's a creep just like the Beta with wandering eyes and hands.   The unspoken rule is to NEVER be alone with him in any room alone and even sometimes that's not enough to deter him.  The talk about  his  unmated son isn't any better, rumor has it he's  a real man whore just like his father.  Both of them  like to hit on the unmated females who work here, using intimidation  and sexually harassing them. The females in this pack  aren't  treated as bad as ones from other packs who work here. Females from other packs are viewed as whores and  are treated like their own personal pieces of ass. 

There are a few females who love the attention, thinking that they could land the unmated son as their mate  but there are more who hate the attention.   Bianca  warned me to watch out for the both of them on the first day.  They just better not try any of that shit with me, because at this point I've had enough of this pack and it's fucked up ways. If I wasn't trying to help Bianca  find her mate, I'd have left after that first day but it gets harder each day to make myself stay.

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