chapter 60

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Lucien POV

Alisha followed behind me as I led the way outside, neither of us speaking but true to her promise she stayed within the required distance but no closer.  Once we got to the changing rooms she moved quickly to enter inside , once we were in wolf form the chance to speak was gone. I couldn't let that happen, there was so much between us that needed to be said and ignoring it was just going to damage any progress.

"Alisha, could you wait a minute please."  She stopped dead in her tracks at my words, I could see her back stiffen.  

 "Could you please face me, I have something to say. " that was a rule after all.

She hesitated at first but did as I asked, her  eyes focused on my face and for a moment I was lost in those eyes.  Those emerald green eyes seemed to peer into my soul , making me forget what I was going to say. I began stepping  closer to her automatically , not even aware I was doing so until she put her arm up to stop my forward movement. 

"What did you need Lucien" Her voice sounded irritable and I snapped out of the trance I was in.

It took me a moment to remember what I was doing but I soon gained my senses back. Straightening  up I took a step back away from her , being too close to her  made my brain foggy. Dinnertime proved that much, I couldn't think straight much of the meal. 

"I'd like to take you to a place that is special to me. There are shorts and tees in the changing rooms in a bag, so you  could  carry a set with you. This way we could shift back and be able to talk in our human form."  I saw the doubt in her eyes immediately, she didn't want to do this I could tell.

I waited as she thought about my request, the inner warring she was having apparent as she shifted around on her feet. At least it wasn't an immediate rejection.

"How about we just go on a short run and save that talk for another day. I'm not up to anymore drama today , it's late and I don't want to argue anymore.  I'm willing to talk with you , but not tonight. Tomorrow will be better when we both have time to absorb everything. "  I could see the reason in her words, it was late and a lot has happened in the last few hours. Tomorrow will be better I guess, I'm not happy about it but I can't force her without making her hostile towards me. That would defeat the purpose of this arrangement.

"If that is what you wish then I will wait until then. How long to you want to stay out? " I changed the subject , I want this to be a positive run.

"Not more than an hour, I need to run but I'm mentally fired right now. I'll  sleep better after a run and that's what I need right now. If that is ok with you?"   How could I say no to her, pushing her would only cause us more problems not solve anyway.  Maybe this run will help  wear me out  too, I haven't slept well since the day she arrived here.   Having her lying next to me in bed all night is going to be rough, running till I'm exhausted sounds like a great idea at this point. 

I could use all the help I can get.  

"When you want to return  just stop and sit, that way I'll know. "  Since we can't mind link or speak to each other in wolf form this was a way to communicate her wishes. She could shift back and tell me but then she would be naked.   I don't think she's ready to do that in front of me yet.  I have no problem with nudity but she is new to this world and I'm not just going to assume it's something she is comfortable with. 

She nodded in understanding and we parted ways  each going to different changing rooms.  I undress and shift quickly, my wolf needs this run too. That part of me has been stressed over the situation between our mate and running with her with help ease that. Now that we will be together constantly my wolf side will be happy to have her always near. I have my doubts how this will turn out,  we will either  work it out or kill each other . 

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