chapter 41

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Alisha POV

They were all staring at me, no one was blinking  and all their expressions were unreadable. Except for Melani, Lucien's mother, she was giving me the wicked stink eye and didn't hold back any of her feelings. This whole thing  made me feel like I was some caged feral animal and they were waiting to see what I would do next.  I refused to be the first one to speak with this kind of pressure being put on me. I sat there waiting and was in no big hurry to handle the questions I knew would soon be thrown at me. I looked at all the faces around me with a expression I'm sure matched theirs.

Suddenly Alpha Lucien and his parents began to speak rapidly in french to each other, I could tell they were discussing something that related to me as they looked and pointed in my direction many times. Their arms were in motion as they went back and forth.  The voices were angry but I couldn't understand a single word of it.

"If your going to speak in a different language so we don't understand what your saying, why don't you just mind link each other instead.  It's rude to purposely do that when everyone else here doesn't understand French." I interrupted their conversation bringing it to a sudden halt. It is rude and I don't care how I came across to them. But it stopped the arguing between them out loud and I didn't have to hear it anymore.

 Finally Alpha Lucien spoke addressing me, his voice still didn't relay the same tone of  sweetness it did at our first meeting but that didn't surprise me. He looked indifferent to me now and it kinda  pissed me off. It wasn't my fault that someone attacked me , I was supposed to be safe here and protected. Neither which happened, someone dropped the ball or maybe it was all a lie to make me let my guard down. None of that  matters now, I'm going to leave here with my Dad and go back home.

Fuck these people and their stupid wolf laws, I'm not playing this game anymore. Someone else can deal with Alpha Pussy and his bullshit, it's out of my hands and whoever is in charge of policing the packs need to deal with it.  I just have to tie up some loose ends here but I can do that on the phone.  I'll let Alvan know I'm leaving and maybe we can met up again stateside. 

Alpha Lucien , If he is really my mate that isn't my problem. He'll just have to find someone else to fill that role because I don't want to be here anymore. He's cute  and sexy but his mother is a bitch who doesn't think I'm good enough for her only child.  I just can't deal with it right now.

"Could you please explain to us what happened in your room tonight." It wasn't a question as much as it was a demand.  His voice lacked any feelings, it was cold and a little harsh.

I cleared my throat and sat up straight in my chair, my dad had his arm across the back of my chair and patted me on my back to show his support. 

"I was awaken by a male lying on top of me pinning my body under the blanket so I couldn't  move as he pressed his hand over my nose and mouth. I was able to free myself and we fought." I made sure my voice was clear and emotion free, I didn't want to show anyone how upset this really made me. They wanted facts , not some sobbing female  who could be playing on their sympathy. I'm not a crier normally and I had gotten a handle on my earlier panic about killing that male. " I don't know who it was or why he was trying to hurt me. He didn't say but a few words and they were basically calling me nasty things after I bit him. I didn't recognize his scent or voice either." 

That was it in a nutshell, I don't know what else they expect me to say about it. It wasn't as if we played twenty questions or had any type of real conversation.  In fact the conversation was only a few words.

"How did you manage to kill a full grown male if you were pinned under him. " Alpha Lucien's father Victor  asked me , I could hear the doubt in his voice. "You tore him apart on the floor, not the bed."

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