chapter 38

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Alisha POV

"San toi,je ne suis rien (without you I am nothing) "    His smooth voice  registers in my mind as the words flow across my ears lighting a fire in my soul. 

"I just  hope that means you feel the same way" My heart is beating out of my chest and I'm drowning in his sable brown eyes. I no longer care how I look or who is around us at this moment. It's like the world stopped it's movement, frozen in time, and there is only the two of us. I'm finding it hard to breathe as he pulls me by my hand closer to him, the heat is pouring off of his body. Running his hands up my arms stopping at my shoulders , leaving us inches apart. Tingles erupt where our skin meets and it's like a lava flow as it spreads up and out throughout my body. I've never experienced anything like this ever before.

"You are mine, as I am yours. " He leans close to my ear and whispers. His voice is making my body feel so different, this is new and I love it,  letting  it carry me away. As I become  lost in this overwhelming feeling  it feels like a big missing piece of a puzzle just fell into place. 

I feel whole and that everything is right in my world, even if it's just for a moment I let myself enjoy it. I'm complete and he did this with just his presence.

And that moment ends with just a few spoken words and I become aware we are not alone.

"Alisha" it's my uncle calling my name, apparently he had been saying it several times but I just wasn't hearing it. "I think we need to move this inside" He doesn't touch me but I finally pull my eyes away from the male in front of me and notice the other people around us. 

Everyone is watching us intently, some with smiles on their faces and others not looking too happy. In fact the only female, an older woman , has a frown on her face as she  looks me up and down. And now I'm aware of how horrible I look and smell, ugh. I feel so gross and the happy moment from just seconds ago   is now  gone.

I pull myself away from Alpha Lucien quickly and now he  has a slight frown on his face. I step back towards my uncle and stand close by his side. The atmosphere around here is hard to read, so many emotions are flying around I can't tell them apart. I look down  at my bare feet , not wanting to have any more attention on me and my strange behavior towards this male . I have to think this over , my mind is a mess and I'm suddenly very tired.

My uncle  must sense this from me because  he puts his arm around my shoulder  pulling me tight against his side.  A low growl vibrated through the air at his actions , I don't know who did that either. My uncle didn't respond or let go of me, he just guided me along as we moved inside the large mansion.  I don't even look around at my surroundings letting him lead the way, this is all just too much for me right now.  We  move into a larger room and I hear the door shut behind us.

I just feel so overwhelmed from my wild emotions,  and need some alone time to sort this out. I hear a male voice speaking in French , it's the Alpha and he is in discussion with a older couple who came in with us. His voice sounds angry but I still enjoy hearing it, he is speaking so rapidly but I don't understand a word of it.  I don't speak French,not a word. Four years of Spanish in high school and four in college . What can I say back home there are more opportunities to speak Spanish than French in the States.

 I think they have to  be his parents, we didn't finish the introductions outside because of my strange behavior but I'm pretty sure of it.  I had stopped staring down at my bare feet once we got in here , so I took in the group in front of me. I study their faces and I can see the similarities between the three of them.   The older female is arguing with Alpha Lucien and her voice is really loud, the older male is trying to get her to settle down it seems. I don't know what they are saying but her tone speaks for itself. She is not an happy camper about something and I'm pretty sure it's me.

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