Jack of All Tales

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Get it? Jack of All Trades but this one includes a lot of fairy tale like stuff so, Jack of All Tales. XD XD. Okay, I'll stop now. You're not here for my weird jokes. Newsies/Peter Pan/Aladdin AU- Sooooo, post-strike?? Hang with me on this one. Aladdin references might be sort of blink and you miss em so, watch out for em. I can already tell this one's gonna be real long so, get ready. 

"Stop, thief!!" echoes through the streets as Jack Kelly runs as fast as his legs will carry him. He jumps up to fly to his secret hiding spot, mostly flying just because he could. Jack successfully flies into a clothesline. His petite little fairy friend who is half fairy and half human laughs from his place on a windowsill. 

"That's what ya get for trying to fly in the city, ya goof!!" Racetrack Higgins yells loudly. Race turns into his human form and Jack sits next to him on the window sill. 

"Like youse could have done any better?" Jack smirks as he pulls some bread out of his pocket. 

"How much longer we gotta do this?" Race whines as he puts it into his own pocket. 

"Til we got enough food to feed everyone back on Neverland," Jack replies. He pulls himself up onto the fire escape and hurries to the top of the building. Peering down, he notices a pretty young girl navigating a very industrial part of Manhattan. Jack lets out a low whistle when he sees her and Race turns into a pixie and lands on Jack's shoulder. 

"What're we looking at?" Race asks as he leans up against Jack's cheekbone which one could get cut by just by looking at them. 

"Not what, Racer. Who," Jack replies and he points out a beautiful young girl wandering through the streets, "And it looks like she doesn't get out much." Jack catches the faintest glint of a fancy bracelet on her right wrist. Race's eyes go wide. 

"I can see why too. With a bracelet like that, Daddy must not let her out much," he smirks from his place. Race leans up against the windowsill with a wicked grin on his face. Jack detects it and glares at him. 

"Don't even think about it," Jack groans but, Race being Race and even more so since he is a pixie, refuses to listen. Race darts down and towards the crowded street below before Jack could even lift a finger. Jack lets out another groan and crawls down from his hiding place. He drops to the street and runs right into the girl he had been admiring from the window sill. 

"Excuse me!" The girl snaps a little harshly and Jack blushes profusely, falling backwards right into the wall. She rolls her eyes at him and starts to continue on her way when she sees a young boy dressed like a Newsie sitting on the side of the street begging for food. 

"Please, miss! Have some mercy on a poor little kid!" The boy cries out and the girl looks around nervously. 

"Are you asking me to steal food for you or are you asking me to flirt with the shop owners so you can steal from them?" she asks with a slight note of irritation in her voice. The little boy pales and shakes his head quickly. 

"I'se don't steal from nobody. I'se just needs some change," he states, acting terrified at the suggestion. The girl lets out a sigh. Jack takes the opportunity to step forward. 

"Youse okay, kid? I'se might be able to help," he says kneeling down to the kid. 

"Whaddya got, mistah?" The kid asks in an excited voice. Jack sees Race, in human form, leaning against the wall, attempting to flirt with the girl. She's not having any of it. 

"Is it so hard not to flirt with every single living woman that walks the face of the earth?" she asks and Race puts his hands up in innocence, pixie dust trailing as he moves. The girl raises an eyebrow skeptically. The kid sitting with Jack gasps when he sees Race and his pixie dust. 

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