You've Got Him Wrapped Up In....Christmas Lights?

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A/N: Modern AU because for some reason some Newsies getting tied up in Christmas lights seemed appropriate and it's also a new Christmas idea I haven't done yet. Other oneshots are coming but Christmastime is here and I like to post a Christmas oneshot or two during this season.

I could create a part two if anyone wants....because this one seems like it might need a part two. Or a how this whole thing went down sort of deal...although I will admit that some things are better left unsaid. :)

"So, Mr. Kelly? Where's my cookie dough for my sugar cookies?" A young female reporter asks as she tilts the chair that the boy who she's interrogating is sitting in.

"What cookie dough?" he asks with a bit of a whine in his voice. The young female reporter raises an eyebrow.

"Might I remind you that I'm a reporter. I'll get the answers to my questions one way or another," she quips as she tugs on the item that binds him to the chair in her small, slightly ink stained fingers.

"Yeah, but you ain't a cop," the boy replies quickly.

"Like that's gonna stop me," she says with a bit of a snappish air.

"Still ain't gonna get me to break," he states matter of factly. A minute later, a young man followed by another young woman is brought into the room.

" way. I'd rather die with this terrible tragic secret than let it slip between my foolish lips. If only my lady love would grace me with one of her kisses before I am executed," the young man cries out rather loudly and dramatically. A hand sweeps across his forehead and the young women stops behind him, not entirely sure what to do with the sudden outburst. She looks to the other young woman in the room, who merely points the dramatic young man into a chair.

"If you want to live without the disappearance of a batch of cookie dough on your conscience, I suggest you sit down," the first woman says and the young man flops into the chair.

"A perfect place to keep my secrets and...."the young man pauses for dramatic effect, "die. My lady love, would you do me the pleasure of allowing me to feel my lips against yours before I perish?"

The girl who had accompanied him stands in the doorway completely shocked. She looks down at the floor before making some comment about looking for a sweatshirt and running out of the room. 

"Ace, are you gonna untie me now since it's obvious that I would NEVER steal your cookie dough?" the boy currently tied up asks.

"You don't get to pull the Ace card right now, Kelly," she says plainly, "What happened to the cookie dough?"

"Laffy Kathy's onto us, Jacky. We're done for!" the other boy seated in the chair cries out. The young woman bites the inside of her cheek.

"Katherine...or Ace, but....not....Laffy Kathy. Unless you want this interrogation to go way longer," Katherine retorts, tugging on the item in her hand again.

"Depends on what's involved in this...interrogation," he says as an easy smirk flicks across his face. Katherine suddenly feels a blush spring up to her cheeks and the other boy chuckles,

"Fraid you walked right into that one, Plumbs."

"Nobody asked you, Race," Katherine replies moodily before turning back to Jack in front of her, "So, the cookie dough?"

"Is that your idea of a softball question? Cause that hits a little too close to home," Jack replies snarkily. Katherine rolls her eyes and grinds her teeth together in frustration.

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