Let It Snow

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Since Let It Snow was released in 1945, this one is a 40s/50s AU. I'm leaning more towards 50s but, we'll keep it there. Enjoy! I don't own the song Let It Snow by the way and I'm not really sure who does but, it's not mine. The history behind this song is kinda confusing because I think it changed ownership a couple different times. Although it's a pretty cool song. 

Jack Kelly is shivering. He sits in the drafty Lodging House all by himself,  a rare moment in history for the leader of the Lower Eastside Manhattan Newsies. A fire is flickering in the fireplace in the lobby of the Lodging House and yet, Jack is so cold. A heating system rattles loudly somewhere in the building and Jack continues to shiver. The boys had barely been able to scrape enough money together to buy a heater a couple of years ago when winter hit. Keeping up with the electric bills to keep it running was a whole other story. The school that the boys attended when they weren't running around handing out newspapers on people's doorsteps, was hosting a dance that evening. Jack has other plans. His girlfriend, Katherine, has been asking to come visit the Lodging House but, Jack didn't want her to see how messy it was or see it when the boys were there because there was one Newsie (Racetrack Higgins...he's looking at you), who was bound to say something to Katherine the moment she walked in the door.

Not that Jack really thought that would phase Katherine at all but, he didn't want to take any chances. The girls had been helping Jack the whole week make the Lodging House look nice and presentable as well as festive. A Christmas tree with lights around it stands in a corner. It was indeed a real Christmas tree but Jack could never get it out of the boys how they got it...oh well. Somethings are better left unknown.

A knock on the door pulls him from his thoughts and Jack runs over to the door to open it. Katherine Pulitzer stands on the other side of the door, takes one look at him and sighs.

"You're shivering again," she says as she walks into the Lodging House. She takes off her coat and hangs it on one of the many hooks by the door.

"Hello to you too," Jack replies as he follows her into the lobby. Katherine tosses him a cozy blanket and Jack slowly puts it around his shoulders.

"I brought something that you might enjoy," Katherine says and waves the record that she has been holding around in the air. Jack perks up a little bit at the sight of it.

"We'se haven't heard any new ones in awhile. Thank goodness you brought one. Race keeps trying to sing like Snow White and all of our ear drums have suffered greatly from that," he says as he walks over to the phonograph and preps it for the record. Katherine places the record on and points to the first song,

"This first one is new!! I haven't heard it yet." Jack nods his head in agreement and Katherine places the record on the phonograph. The new song starts to pipe through the speaker filling the room with cheerful music. Jack puts a hand on the small of Katherine's back and guides her over to the ratty couch in the center of the room. They sit down next to each other and Jack pulls the blanket across Katherine's lap as well as his own. Katherine snuggles into Jack's side and leans her head against his shoulder.

"You being here just made the Lodging House so much warmer," Jack says with a grin as he kisses Katherine's temple. Katherine blushes and reaches for Jack's hand under the blanket.

"It was pretty warm already when I came in and stop with the cheesy "I think you're hot" lines. I already know that you think I am," Katherine says as she intertwines her fingers with Jack's. Jack grins at her and pulls her closer to him, if that was even possible. The song, Sleigh Ride pipes through the phonograph with the Andrews Sisters singing it. Jack and Katherine simply listen to the music as it plays. Christmas was still a couple of days away and Jack doesn't know what he's going to get Katherine.

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