A Change of Heart

83 7 34

For BrendaDaaeDestler and XCloudy_SkyeX's Contest #11

Sorry that the text was in orange. Firefox does these things.

She has been through the entire strike with them and it doesn't help that her brother is one of Jack Kelly's closest friends.

He brings her over when he came to visit and she pretends. Oh! How she pretends to be alright with the situation...alright with everything. And yet, here she is, watching Davey walk with a girl that he had met through selling newspapers, who is very much a proper lady, and Jack walk with a girl, who is a newsgirl in every way possible. Someone she never knew she could be. Yet, this girl that Jack holds on his arm and keeps close to him at all times is a proper lady the minute they're on anything close to resembling a date. 

Leaning over the edge of the narrow fire escape, she watches Jack and Davey walk with their girls down the street on one particular evening. Her mother calls her in to help her wash the dishes and Sarah Jacobs casts one more fleeting glance at the Newsie called Cowboy down on the street before going inside to help. 

This pattern continues on for another month or so.

It's not like he never notices her. He often greets her when he and his girl come over dinner to the Jacob's. The smiles that they share across the table never escape her notice but that was simply not enough for her.

Watching them dance together at parties that the Newsies had at Irving Hall makes her blood boil at the sight of it. Dancing with any of the other boys is fun and all but there's only one who she knew she would have the most fun with.

Even now, her gaze flickers from Mush Myers, who had been asking her why she seemed so down today, to Jack and his girl dancing. The distance between them ever so slightly growing less and less.

"Sarah?" a new voice asks and Sarah turns to see Spot Conlon sitting across from her. His brow furrows in deep concern as she watches the two of them.

"I just don't understand," she begins, "I thought we had something."

"Had what?" Spot asks as he scoots closer to her.

"Jack and I," she answers, "A chance but I guess there's a first time for everything." Jack leans down and closes the gap between him and his girl. Sarah's hands clutch unnecessarily hard at the napkin in her life.

"Hey...."Spot says, glancing down at the napkin, "What did it ever do to you?" Sarah's eyes flash as she glances down at the now crumpled napkin in her lap. "You know that youse terrible at hiding how you really feel."

"I just thought..." she starts but Spot cuts her off.

"Dance with me," he says and a mischievous smirk spreads across his face, "You'll forget about Jacky Boy once you see that I can give you a good time." Sarah's face pales and Spot laughs it off. 

"I heard things that you would say something like that..." she starts and Spot chuckles.

"Gotta live up to my reputation. Wouldn't want to disappoint you," he replies as he offers her his hand. Sarah takes it and the two slowly walk to the dance floor. Spot holds her close and Sarah's eyes divert over to Jack and his girl. A sad sigh escapes from her lips but does not escape from Spot's notice.

"Thanks for dancing with me," she says as Spot gently starts to lead Sarah in a slow dance.

"Oh don't thank me yet...We'se just getting started," Spot replies, twirling her in a small little circle eliciting a laugh from her.  Sarah smiles as Spot pulls her closer to him so that they are nearly standing pressed to each other. His arms snake their way around her waist and she lets her arms loop around his neck. The two begin to sway gently and Sarah feels butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. Something about dancing with Spot makes her react in a way that she never has before. She appreciates the slight distance between the two of them and how...he seems quite gentle, contrary to the stories that she has heard about him in the past from the Manhattan Newsies.

"You're very good at dancing," Sarah comments, "I don't really dance much so I'm glad I have someone who's good at it to help me."

"Youse doin just fine," Spot replies, holding her close, "Youse the prettiest partner I have ever had and probably the sweetest."

"What makes you say that?" Sarah asks and Spot thinks for a second.

"Well..." he says, "The way you always looked at Jacky Boy made me think that the two of you had something. He would look at you the same way. Until his current girl came along, I thought the two of you were going to become a couple. But that isn't the case."

"No, it's not and it's upsetting but it can't be too upset. You are just as good of a dance partner. I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to want to treat me like a date at this party," Sarah explains meekly and a determined look overcomes Spot's face and demeanor.

"Nobody's gonna look you at in a romantic way without having to go through me after this party," Spot promises her, "You can hold me to that."

"Spot...." Sarah giggles softly, feeling very special at being the subject of the King of Brooklyn's affections.

"You're gonna forget Jacky Boy. I'll make sure of it personally," Spot says with a smirk growing on his face. An equally challenging smirk grows on Sarah's face.

"I'll make sure you never forget about me either," she says, knowing her brother would be mortified at the conversation that the two were having.

"Sarah, will you be my Queen of Brooklyn?" he asks her. Sarah chuckles lightly.

"I don't know about that. I'm from Manhattan, not Brooklyn," she reminds him and Spot rolls his eyes.

"I know that....I'm asking ya to be my girl, will ya?" he asks her. Sarah, knowing that Spot doesn't just ask anybody to be his girl nods her head in agreement.

"I would love to be your Queen of Brooklyn, Spot Conlon," she replies and Spot twirls her around out of joy.

Months go by and Spot and Sarah stay together. Sarah takes Spot to tea at her friend's and Spot takes her to all of the parties and on outings in Brooklyn. One thing changed for Sarah Jacobs after she started dating Spot.

She completely forgot about her love for Jack Kelly.

A/N: Hey!!!!! So, hope you all enjoyed this!! I'm exploring the Sarah and Spot romance dynamic if you couldn't tell mostly because I watched 92sies earlier this week. I was literally fangirling the whole movie but what are ya gonna do....Anyways, I would highly recommend you try out these contests that the two peeps mentioned above put out. They are very cool and fun and while I'm TERRIBLE at meeting the deadlines for contests (yeah, I know they're only a 1000 words but sometimes I strugglebus with certain prompts. If I'm not in the mood...I struggle to write it. *shrugs*), they are still very cool and you should give them a try. This one was supposed to be for a Victorian Romance....which I think I got considering that Newsies happens in the Victorian Era and they're at a dance and Sarah's having romance problems. I hope you liked. I apologize for the shortness of it but, if you like the Sarah and Spot romance dynamic, which if ya do, I know best by your comments, ;) ;), I'll gladly do more!! It was a fun one that Jules aka


Recommended I explore awhile ago. Aaaaaannnnnndddddd, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Anyways, I got tagged so I'm going to do that next and then I'll probably be inactive writing wise starting on Saturday!! I'll most likely still be reading. Thanks for hanging with me, everybody!! Thanks for doing whatever it is you do as well, whether it be voting, commenting or whatever. It is deeply appreciated and you should know that. :)

By the way, that Tron Legacy and Newsies Crossover that I'm trying to write...still happening. I just haven't come up with a decent plot besides the boys throwing the disc things at the programs. Lots of fun action sequences and no depth to the story....yet. I have some ideas though that I'm thinking over. In the meantime, I will see you all around!! Stay cool!! Hang loose and take it easy!!

See you around,


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