The Holiday Dance And All That Entails

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This is another 40s/50s AU one except instead of Jack and Katherine snuggling like the last one was, this one is about what happens at the dance which is where  the rest of the Newsies  are while Jack and Katherine are having their alone time. OCs are included. Special thanks to Runner_Weirdo, BeckyMerari1808, and 23gatkins for the use of their OCs, Falcon, Katie, and Pups respectively. 

She had been planning on going to this dance since it was first announced during the second week of school and yet here she was and she wasn't entirely sure that she had someone to go with. 

Flavia was going to go with Race, Katie was going with Oscar Delancey (Elley had no clue how she made that work but she did), Falcon was most likely going as friends with Albert and Pups was just going with the group. 

Elley was considering doing that but, where was the fun in that? She wanted to have someone who she could call her dance partner. 

Mush was taking someone unfortunately, but Elley had heard from Flavi that this girl had a reputation of cheating on boys. She never stuck with one person for too long. Elley was hoping that for her sake, Mush would hang out with her instead of this other girl. But, she knew that that was wishful thinking and it was selfish of her to wish rejection on her friend. But, she wasn't perfect and that other girl probably wasn't either. Hopefully she could have her way. 

Until one week before now, Kid Blink came bounding up the stairs to where she was playing a card game with Mush, Flavi, and Race. 

"Can't ya see that we're busy?" Race asked him as soon as Blink opened his mouth to ask a question. Patches the kitten tried to sit on the deck of cards for the umpteenth time and Flavi scooped her up and stuck her in Race's lap. 

"Take care of your cat, Race. She wants affection," Flavi said as she tried to focus on her cards. Patches let out a loud meow and rubbed Race's chin with her head. 

"Alright! Alright! I knew I was a pretty person and a cat man but wow. This is a lot to take in all at once," Race replied as he pet Patches on the top of her head. 

"So, can I ask my question now? You must not be that busy if you're playing with the cat, Race. Besides, the question isn't for you anyways. I was going to ask Elley if she wanted to go to the Holiday Dance with me," Blink said and then he looked down at Elley, "Would you want to go with me? Be my date?" 

Elley was positive she saw Mush's face flush red at the question. 

"Sure, but we're just going as friends. Jack wouldn't be happy if I actually we were going as a certain word," she said with a chuckle. 

"Alright then. Sounds like a plan," Kid Blink had said with a grin.

The next week was full of putting the final touches on the girl's dresses and making sure that everything was going to go perfectly. 

Well...smoothly might be a better word. The girls knew that the boys weren't perfect at these whole dance things but, they were sure it would go relatively well. 

The week flew by and now Elley and the rest of the girls are waiting for their respective dates to come down and see them. Mush comes down the stairs before any of the other boys, with the exception of Jack who is already sitting down in front of the fireplace trying to get a fire going. 

"Mush, why don't you just hang out with Blink and I? You know we aren't really going to be that exclusive or anything," Elley suggests. Mush stops for a second and Elley feels a smirk slide onto her face. The Kellys have always bene very persuasive, even in situations like these. He's really considering it. His girlfriend seems to gaze at other boys more than he would like her to. Mush isn't entirely sure of her loyalty to him. Nonetheless, they had been planning on going together the minute they started dating. Hanging out with Elley, Blink and the rest of the boys did sound more fun. 

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