☘Chapter 1

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Haechan POV

"Haechan are you okay? You look like a mess" Jaemin ask me as Chenle and Renjun look at me worried

"Haaays it's just that yesterday I felt so much pain in my shoulder like I was shot by a gun and it hurts so much that's why" I said as I grimace feeling the pain again

"*gasp* It must have been your soulmate!!" Chenle said squealing making the other students here in the cafeteria look at us but I didn't care the pain was too much

"That's impossible Chenle" I said enduring the pain

"Hyung! There's a possibility, right Renjun hyung!? It's one of the sign about your soulmate right?!" Chenle ask Renjun since his a Beta while talking out loud making me facepalm of embarrassment

"Yes Chenle, and please quiet down I'm getting annoyed" Renjun said calmly as Chenle's lips purse into a thin line

"Sorry hyung I was just excited I mean Haechan hyung is the 1st one to have the experience among us"

"Yeah, me too I wonder if your soulmate is a girl or a boy" Jaemin

"I'd rather die than having a girl soulmate" I said obviously since I'm as straight as a ramen that is fully cooked

"Yeah same" Chenle said, well all of us are curve so yeah

"Kyyaaaaaah Mark Oppa!!!!"

"Jeno please bitteee me ahhhhh!!"

"Jisuuung your so cute!! "

We heard the whole cafeteria squealing and look at the group that just came inside walking towards there sit that is only behind us

"Jisung is so handsome" Chenle whispered but him being a loud dolphin he is he's whisper always sounds like a normal volume of talking so Jisung obviously heared it making him smirk at Chenle as he immediately turned into a pink dolphins

I notice Mark's shoulder showing a cast on it making me think that he hurted his shoulder 'Is he okay', well a great coincidence his cast is also same place as my shoulder that is in pain

'Wait....... Don't tell me?...
No! No! No! It can't be'

Mark POV

I look at the other table as I saw my beautiful soulmate in pain

Tss if only that bastard from last night didn't fail his mission now look what happened

"Mark you need blood?" Jeno said as I nooded although I prefer my soulmate's blood but I need to wait... I will wait

"Here" Jeno came back with four bloods, as I look at him

"You need 2 so that you will heal faster you don't want your beloved mate to be in pain right"

"Tss that Asshole" I said remembering what happened yesterday

"Calm down hyung you already killed him" Jisung

"Right such a relief we cleaned another idiot in the Team" Jeno said twirling the blood in his glass and sip the same as Jisung

I did the same so that it would mixed well with the ingredients in it, I sip at at the blood looking at my mate as I cought him staring at me, I wink at him making him look away with his cheeks blushing

'*smirk* Gorgeous'

Haechan POV

The group sat down Jeno went to get a blood for them well obviously they need blood since they are vampires

Mark looks hot though he has his long dangling pierce on his right ear while theres a plain black earing at the left his white skin really showing since his wearing an all black outfit with his Black blazer on, a B&W T-shirt and a black rip jeans with his old vans

I stared at his handsome face while he sipped the blood in his glass as he suddenly turned his look at me and wink making me look away all flustered

'That's just so embarassing'


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