☘Chapter 11

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"Where is Haechan?" Mark ask Jaemin seeing that his mate wasn't with them, the 7 of them talked earlier together with their parents that they would go home together after their night class

The surrounding was getting dangerous

"Oh his talking with the Jinwoo guy, There they are! " Jaemin said pointing at the two boy that are talking away from them but enough to know that it's them

And to say that the Alpha was jealous well he's not.....

His just extremely jealous his protectiveness from the latter has grown bigger since many things have already happened between them

He's thought stop when a hand held his shoulder

"Dude come down, it's just a Omega and bro your pheromone" Jeno whispered as he came back to his senses seeing that the other Omegas around them were literally drooling over his attractive and possessive pheromone

"It's obvious he likes my mate" The Alphs said still eyeing his mate and the nerd like a hawk

Haechan was talking with a smile on his beautiful face while the Jinwoo guy keep on blushing making the Alpha squint his eyes

He walk toward his mate the other calling his name but chose to ignored it

"Doll" Alpha called with his low and husky voice getting both of the attention as the latter look at the Alpha

Mark kissed his lips torridly without a tongue involve since he know that the latter would push him as the other didn't have the urge to push him even though there was another presence

After a while he pushed the jealous Alpha and look at his classmate

"Sorry Jinwoo" The latter said softly embarrassed by the sudden move of the Alpha

"I-it's okay u-umm I'll just see you t-tommorow then..." the omega said intimidated by the glare of the furious Alpha that's infront of him but calmed down after looking at the cute and innocent Omega beside Mark

"Yeah see you" Haechan wave at Jinwoo as Mark pulled him close after the guy left

"Don't go too close with that guy Hae" He said seriously while looking at the beautiful Doe eyes of the latter making him go soft

"But his also an Omega" the cute latter said unconsciously pouting his lips while talking, urging the Alpha to kiss him and he did, it was sweet and passionate at first until the Alpha started to involve some tongue contact meeting the shy tongue of the latter that's hiding when he started sucking on it making the other make out a lewd sound turning on the Alpha

"*cough* Uhhh we should go...........?" Jaemin said hesistant seeing the both of them busy making out

"Mark, Mom and Dad is Home" Jeno informed, Mark groaned and took his time looking at his mate

"Yeah let's go....... "

"Okay so let's go!" Chenle making the both of them flinch

They let go of each other noticing that their bodies were still entangled

They went to the Van that's waiting for them and went in resting at the sit after a long day

-The next day-

Haechan POV

"Bye Mom! Dad!" I shouted going in the Van meeting Jaemin Renjun and Chenle

"Morning Hae" they said as I smile peck each of them at the cheeks

"Morning" we talk in the the Van with some stupid things and talk about what happened yesterday

The school is just 5 minutes away so in just a split of second our talk was stopped

"Haaays, let's talk again later" Renjun said as we went out seeing an empty surrounding

"Are we late?" chenle ask as we look at each of our watch and saw that their still 10 minutes before class starts when it's at time like these it's supposed to a crowded place but now we can only see 5 to 10 students

"Excuse me, Can I ask where the other students are?" Jaemin asked at the student that we happened to pass by

"The Alpha's are bullying someone again" she said and smiled before leaving

Sigh...... right they can't just change because we've gotten closer

"Who could it be" Renjun said making me curious as we walk further noticing the people at the field we walk closer and excused other student to let us pass by as they move giving us space

We gasp at what we saw making me mad



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