☘Chapter 12

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"Baby I-"


"All of you get lost!! You all know privacy!!!??" Chenle shouted as the other winced at his voice but did what he said there's no one here at the field beside the 8 of them

Renjun and Jaemin went to Jinwoo and help him stand up, he had a black eye in his right eye and a busted lips

Jeno face fell when he saw them treating Jinwoo

"Love you se-"

"Say sorry to him!!" Haechan said and heard Jisung snort, he glared at him as he cough before speaking

"Haechan he doesn't-"

"Hyung" Haechan cut

"Don't you know respect" he continued as Jisung gulped and nodded... The Omega sure is scary when mad

"Haechan hyung, Mark hyung doesn't say sorry ever in his life" he said making him confuse, as far as he remember Mark had apologized to him so many times before

"If you did something that I don't like what do you say?"

"I apologize and say sorry" he said slightly pouting Awww so cute.... Wait no not now

The two Alpha snapped their head to Mark not believing what he said

"You what!?" Jeno/Jisung

Both ignored them as Jaemin and the other took care of the Annoyed Alpha's

"Then say sorry to Jinwoo"

"But he was flirting with you, and beside he likes you" he said glaring at Jinwoo *sigh*

"Then no kissing or hugging not even a touch" Haechan said sternly as Mark look at him

"I'm serious" He always do what he says and they know it

"But................... I can't" Mark said looking down, he is a Prince Alpha so he was not used to it, vampires and wolves always let's him do what he wants even though it could hurt their ego....... But his mate was an exemption

"If you can say sorry to me, why not to others"

"Because their not you" Mark said in a duh tone making him roll his eyes

"You won't do it?.................ok" Haechan said and went to Jinwoo

"Wait!...... I-i'll do it" Mark said as Hae stop in his track and waited

"Sorry ................ Jinwoo" he said in a monotone and emotionless voice with his poker face, Haechan thought that it was a good start atleast he said sorry

"That's unfair" Jeno muttered as they ignore him while Jaemin and Renjun comforted him forgetting Jinwoo

"But I'm his brother and he never once said sorry to meee~"

"Shhh Jeno that's okay" Jaemin/Renjun said while lulling him

Haechan POV

I went close to Mark who was looking down at the grass while biting his lips

"Not that hard right" I said while caressing his cheeks and went closer, his hand resting at my waist while I'm burying my face in his neck smelling and pecking it

"It was" he muttered under his breath, burying his head to my shoulder

"But you still did, and I'm proud" I said as we face and leaned our forehead to each other

"Stop with the lovey dovey I think he pass out" Renjun said and we saw Jinwoo laying at the ground

"Just teleport him to the clinic" Mark groaned and touch him as he disappeared making me look at him

"I teleported him" he said as I nodded

"Let's go we're late" I said and went to our class since our schedule is almost the same

The teacher just ignored us when we walk in since he knows that our parents has the power to take his job

I sat in my designated chair as Mark sat beside me


"He's with Jeno" I nodded and just listened to the teacher

Mark's hand rested in my knee as I didn't mind it and just continued listening

I flinch when his veiny hands suddenly went up going in between my legs and stop at mid thigh when he suddenly squeeze it making me squeak glad that we are at the back but I know Jaemin and the other heared me

I slap his hands trying to get it off when he squeeze it harder making me cover my face with both of my hands, he started massaging it in a sensual way making me moan underneath my breath still covering my face

I went closer to Mark burying my face to his chest and grip at his shirt making him chuckle

"Ma'am, Donghyuck is not feeling well I'll take him to the clinic" Mark said as the teacher just agreed seeing my red face

He suddenly carried me making me squeal, as all of our classmates looked at me slyly

So embarrassing!!...


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